If you wish to try them go ahead, some ME/CFS patients have responded to the strangest things, but what i have said in this thread is still technically correct
There's only one recent trial evaluating their effectiveness and the results were ambiguous - improvements vs placebo but not to a statistically significant amount (much like antivirals, for instance). So at this point we can't really say what their effectiveness is, apart from anecdotal reports, which are mixed. If it is found that PWME are not producing enough of certain neurotransmitters (due to gut issues, for instance, per Lipkin) then certain patients will probably benefit from stimulants, as will others from antidepressants for instance, as a symptomatic treatment. I can see why people are hesitant to recommend these sorts of drugs, because their use has historically been bound up with bad, unscientific ideas about ME, but if they're prescribed with the understanding that they don't treat the underlying pathology then they can probably be quite useful.