Looking for help with #MillionsMissing protest in Melbourne


Are you able to help us with a #MillionsMissing protest in Melbourne? While this protest is set to happen in cities all over the world on 25th May, we need help making a statement in Melbourne too.

#MillionsMissing is a Global Day of Protest dedicated to the millions of people with ME/CFS who are missing from their careers, school, families and social lives, as well as the millions of dollars that are missing from researching the illness.

If you don’t have many spoons to spare, even a little help would make a big difference to us.

Right now we need help with getting things going, such as help with brainstorming, responding to online queries, publicity and writing letters. We’ll also be looking for some help on the day.

If you think you can help out, contact Karyn at MillionsMissing.Melbourne@gmail.com.




Senior Member
Sth Australia
If anyone is protesting in Adelaide and able to pick me up, I'd love to protest too (your car will need to be able to take a wheelchair and you and car will need to be chemical free. I cant push my own chair far thou). I probably still have some protest signs around from my last ME protest (on painted onto thin plywood which can be leant against something).

to contact me, do it throu my thread here as I dont use email as I cant keep up with it and dont keep up with my pms here, my thread is at http://forums.phoenixrising.me/inde...nd-other-me-things.13903/page-109#post-721704

I also may be able to post a pair of shoes to represent me if you are going to be doing anything like that at any of your protests in Australia
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