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i've had this for 20 years and have seen many specialists. at this moment, i would strongly recommend dr. enlander.
Um.... you seem to be missing an obvious point. ME patients ordinarily have subnormal temperature. That means that when they do run a fever, their increased temperature is within the normal range for a healthy person. Doctors ignorant of this symptom often state there is no fever when in fact the PWME's temperature is running 2-3 degrees above their personal normal body temperature. The whole question of whether a PWME is running a persistent fever is most definitely not a straightforward one given our dysautonomia.The principle Symptoms of an EBV infection are agreed by every source of virology on the planet to be Fever, sore throat and swollen lymph nodes, if you have a persistent fever you do not have CFS according to the CDC and NICE definitions, which is what Dr Mirza is talking abut, and reports from experts in ME and from early ME epidemics state that ME patients have normal to sub normal temperatures, E.G do not show sighs of EBV infection.
Wow, are you behind the knowledge curve! The information you're giving here is 15-20 years old. Most of it has been refuted, modified or corrected since then. Especially the bit about kissing.The principle route of transmission of ME is through Saliva, which is why almost everybody gets it through kissing!
Other proven scientific facts about EBV are almost everybody on the planet has been infected with EBV, it is estimated that 95% of adults between the age of 35-40 in the USA have been infected.
Having antibodies to EBV does not prove that a patient has EBV, it has been proven long before CFS was invented that people who are 100% healthy can have raised antibodies to EBV often at very high levels, this is mentioned in the first CFS definition.
IgG antibodies often remain present for life in people who have had an EBV in the past,
IgM antibodies which can be an early sign of infection are often found in perfectly healthy people with no sign of infection!
EBNA antibodies which can be a sign of reactivation, are also found in perfectly healthy people and are not a guarantee of reactivation.
The EBV virus stay’s dormant but under control in everybody who has ever had EBV, so doing tests and saying we’ve found EBV virus in someone, does not indicate that it is the cause of someone’s health problems, it is found in at least 95% of people who live in the USA by age forty!
By the very tests you just said are unreliable. So EBV tests are only unreliable when they suggest active EBV in a PWME, but not when they show no active EBV infection in PWME?In previous ME epidemics EBV has been suspected it has been tested for and ruled out every time!
Do you really consider the CDC investigation of the Lake Tahoe outbreak as thorough and accurate and that any conclusions drawn by that investigation to be final?The CDC own investigation of Lake Tahoe proved that it was not EBV,
Logic fail again. Active herpesvirus infections don't have to be causal in the illness in order for them to be the cause of most of the symptoms. Think about AIDS patients. Their symptoms (and deaths) are not caused by the HIV virus, which is causal in the illness. The terrible symptoms are caused by the opportunistic infections, many of which are.... wait for it... herpesvirus infections.Basically people are being offered large amounts of money to treat CFS patients with antiviral drugs, even though the scientific community has shown that these viruses are not the cause!
Yeah, right, Drs Petersen, Montoya, Kogelnik, Klimas, etc, etc are claiming they know the cause of CFS. That's news to me. It's probably news to most PWME here at PR. I'm sure it's news to the doctors themselves.What they are doing is getting together groups of patients that have proven infections with these kinds of viral illnesses then treating them with anti-virals and then proclaiming that they have found the cause of CFS,
[my bolding]I imagine that at the root of our disagreement is that you respect only 2 doctors and insist that Dr Hyde's perspective is the only correct one, while I have a great deal of respect for many of the doctors that our helping patients and believe that until we know more about the roots of this illness there will be multiple valid perspectives.Without naming to many names or going into too much detail, I can say that I do not have a large amount of respect for the abilities of a large amount of the CFS doctors and researchers, because since 1988 almost all of them have continued to portray CFS as being the same disease as ME which it is not, and by doing this have done as much as the CDC and Wessely school to hide the existence of ME behind the farce of CFS, they have continued to do this despite being told for decades by Dr Hyde that they are not the same, and it is only recently that Dr Carruthes has had the guts to state that he got it wrong and that ME is a different condition to CFS and only makes up 10% of the total, by doing so he admits that the CCC was wrong and that there is no such disease as ME/CFS.
If you want to publically prove to people how rude you are that is your problem, not mine!
But don’t bother replying I won’t be reading it!
Hi Heaps, RE “in Oslers web it is said that the lake tahoe epidemic showed people with antibodies to ebv and a few years later tested totally negative to ebv, why is this,”
The simple answer is because it didn’t happen, I do not have a copy of Oslers web at hand to see if this is what it says, But the Doctors at Tahoe tested the patients for everything including EBV and CMV the result was that it wasn’t EBV, this is why they rang the CDC, no doctor would ever consider ringing the CDC about EBV, and if they did they be told to stop wasting their time. The CDC then did its own investigation of the Tahoe epidemic, it can be found here http://jama.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?volume=257&page=2297 what they found was that only 15 out of 134 patients had significantly raised antibodies to EBV, CMV, HSV1 and HSV2, I.E only a tiny minority of the patients had raised anti bodies to EBV, but this could be explained by things like them having it as well or because these results can be found in healthy people anyway. Because the CDC seemed to want to bury what happened at Tahoe if they could have found any way to pin it on EBV, it is more than likely that they would have, but they couldn’t find evidence to say that it was EBV, CMV, HSV1 or HSV2, in fact they proved that 119 out of the 134 patients didn’t have these viruses.
HHV6 could not be tested for in Tahoe patients when it first happened, because it happened in 1984/5 and HHV6 wasn’t discovered until1986, some researchers thought that it could possibly be the cause of the outbreak at Tahoe, and a study was done on the patients in 1992, which found that the majority of the patients had antibodies to HHV6 and this was heralded in some quarters as a major breakthrough. However as more research into HHV6 was done it was found that it is an exceedingly common virus that almost everybody gets, and that the level of anti bodies found in the patients at Tahoe was no more than you would find in any group of healthy people and so the results didn’t mean what people had originally thought. HHV6 has also been found to have an incubation period that is too long for it to be the cause of the ME epidemics which had a 3-6 day incubation period,
RE the research of the likes of Dr Lerner etc, I won’t comment to much on their research except to say that none of this research is 100% proven scientific facts, they are only a unproven hypothesis, and more work needs to be done before anybody can say that this research has any meaning or is correct. Nothing has been proven. People have been trying for decades to say that ME is caused by EBV and every time there has been no proof that this is the case. I think people need to be very mindful of what happened with XMRV, things can look very convincing at first, but when the rest of the scientific community starts examining these theories they very often are proven to be false or the research flawed. It is very rare for this not to happen in all fields of science, and only a very small percentage of research stands up to proper examination.
RE “I also think if one is neg to ebv and is in their 40s, maybe these are the people unable to make ebv antibodies. There are a few people on this forum who arent spring chickens who say they have tested neg to ebv, how is this when every adult is suppose to have been infected with ebv.”
This is easily explained, although all the antibodies can stay at detectable levels in people long after infection, and IgG is the one that normally hangs round the longest, Science has shown that many healthy people who have had a proven EBV infection will after a while have no antibodies at detectable levels including IgG, the older you get the more likely this is to occur, so there is no mystery here it is a very common and normal finding.
All the best