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Longvida curcumin causing facial tics

As recommended by a youtube video from the channel Neuroinflammation, Pain, and Fatigue Lab at UAB for chronic illnesses that might be caused by neuroinflammation, I tried some curcumin. I ordered a brand that uses the Longvida formulation, which I think has been proven to be able to cross the blood brain barrier and to be very bioavailable, properties plain curcumin does not have, so it must be combined with other chemicals.

I used to have fairly bad facial tics about ten years ago, I think mainly caused by chronic marijuana usage (which also caused delusions, ME/CFS, and anxiety).

Later I got on clozapine which also caused ME/CFS and anxiety that I still have today, though slowly improving now that I'm off it. But clozapine did not cause facial tics or delusions.

I took one 500 mg capsule of Igennus brand Longvida curcumin at around 2 PM yesterday. At about 6 PM, I started noticing minor facial tics in the form of mouth movements. This only lasted about ten minutes. This morning after waking and starting to walk around, I noticed the tics again. Only then did I make the connection that the only significant thing that has changed is the supplement, so I am pretty sure it's the cause.

I would have loved if the curcumin actually helped me. Nevertheless, I'm happy it caused facial tics because it's another clue for what's going on in my brain. I've tried many supplements, and they almost always have zero effect on me, good or bad.

I think I have fairly atypical ME/CFS in that I don't know of any connection to an infection, but it is definitely directly tied to both marijuana and clozapine.

I'll probably wait a month then try a dose of the curcumin again to make sure the effect is real. And maybe I can dig into some literature that might help me understand further.


Senior Member
Montana, USA
I, too, am considering curcumin to complete the spike protein protocol (already on the other 2 for this). I'm not a medical researcher or doctor, but some of my first thoughts on your reaction to this was that is a high dosage to start on with high absorption properties, since people with ME/CFS can have intolerances. I usually start at a lower dose of something and work my way up. Also the extra added ingredients to your supplement encapsulation process could be causing issues.

The other thought I had was this could be the cause of an interaction with something else. I can't vouch for the reliability of this website because I just came across it. But this will tell you the molecular makeup of curcumin, and if you scroll down, it has pages of interactions curcumin can have with other things.

I hope this helps you on your research into your illness. Best wishes.


Could it be some sort of start up reaction? It seems to indicate that the turmeric is getting to your brain?
No idea if this is good or bad. If it was unpleasant that says something. I've had odd nerve sensations from taking b12 when getting a neurological dose. I'm trying out curcumin as well so will watch for effects like that.
Also the extra added ingredients to your supplement encapsulation process could be causing issues.
Yeah, very possible. Might have to try another formulation that uses completely different chemicals.
The other thought I had was this could be the cause of an interaction with something else.
That's a huge list of interactions on that site. Fortunately, I don't take any other medications or supplements right now.
Could it be some sort of start up reaction?
I was thinking along those lines. Maybe it's a side effect of quickly ramping down inflammation before the brain can adapt.


Senior Member
Montana, USA
Yeah, very possible. Might have to try another formulation that uses completely different chemicals.
In case you do choose to go this route, there is a brand that a couple of my doctors in the USA recommend, Pure Encapsulations. I do use this brand for some supplements. It doesn't have some of the extra stuff added in that other supplements have. I'm also allergic to gluten so that matters. I found you the UK website https://www.pure-encapsulations.co.uk/curcumin.html?options=Size%3A60+capsules&options=Potency%3A500+mg

I did find some 250 mg supplements, but am not familiar with those brands.
In case you do choose to go this route, there is a brand that a couple of my doctors in the USA recommend, Pure Encapsulations. I do use this brand for some supplements. It doesn't have some of the extra stuff added in that other supplements have. I'm also allergic to gluten so that matters. I found you the UK website https://www.pure-encapsulations.co.uk/curcumin.html?options=Size%3A60+capsules&options=Potency%3A500+mg

I did find some 250 mg supplements, but am not familiar with those brands.
Thanks. That's actually the brand recommended in the original video. But it's weird because everything I've read says by itself, almost no curcumin will make it through your digestive tract. The scientist on the channel even says at a minimum, get a formulation that also has piperine from black pepper, which helps a bit for upping bioavailability.

But then the ingredient list on Pure Encapsulations doesn't show anything but curcumin (and other curcuminoids, similar chemicals also in turmeric, which I doubt increase bioavailability).

There are various formulations that have been used in many studies and which use very different helper chemicals.

For example, Theracurmin's method is mainly turning the curcumin particles smaller into nanoparticles. BC-95's method is adding various other chemicals found in the turmeric plant itself. Longvida adds phospholipids.


Senior Member
Montana, USA
The scientist on the channel even says at a minimum, get a formulation that also has piperine from black pepper, which helps a bit for upping bioavailability.
Ok, I'm up to speed with you now. But if the piperdine is causing the issues, edit: not in vitro, but possibly injected or IV curcumin could be an option. I'm wondering if there may be some benefit to starting off with just curcumin, then moving to a supplement with piperdine or adding piperdine separately. I actually get allergy tested for any supplement I am about to take by a doctor that does kinesiology and has an MD educational background. So I'll need to test for both of those, then.

Pure Encapsulations has a supplement with curcumin and bioperine (piperdine):
https://www.pureencapsulationspro.com/curcumin-500-with-bioperine.html?size=60 capsules

If you get a chance, please post a link to the video/articles you are reading so I can consider them as well before I make my purchase. I send articles to my doctors sometimes so they know what we are working on.

Here are a couple of articles I'm working with, the first one on curcumin:

And since I am immune deficient and have autoimmune thyroiditis for many years now, and have just recently gotten COVID-19 for the second time, the spike protein protocol here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10663976/
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But if the piperdine is causing the issues, edit: not in vitro, but possibly injected or IV curcumin could be an option. I'm wondering if there may be some benefit to starting off with just curcumin, then moving to a supplement with piperdine or adding piperdine separately.

Well, the one I tried, Longvida, actually uses something else, not piperdine. Some form of phospholipids.

Problem is that people say curcumin by itself will do pretty much nothing since it'll get destroyed, so might be more worth it to try separate formulations that are both bioavailable, but use completely different helper chemicals.

Pure Encapsulations has a supplement with curcumin and bioperine (piperdine):
Oh that might be the one that Dr. Younger in the video from the first post was talking about.

If you get a chance, please post a link to the video/articles you are reading so I can consider them as well before I make my purchase.
The one I linked above is pretty good because it summarizes the mechanisms and studies behind the most common and studied curcumin formulations.

There are also lots of studies as well as meta-studies, like "Improving Curcumin Bioavailability: Current Strategies and Future Perspectives" which go into much greater detail.

And the paper "Curcumin Formulations for Better Bioavailability: What We Learned from Clinical Trials Thus Far?" has a table listing every ailment that each formulation of curcumin has been tested on, and what the responses were.
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Two weeks later and I still have tics. I'm currently in a crash that started today, which has made them a lot worse.

I could be wrong that curcumin caused the tics, but I'm pretty sure they have been completely gone for over 5-10 years. And then to restart a few hours after taking this supplement (and I almost never take anything) seems like too much of a coincidence.

Maybe its anti-inflammatory action let some pathogen get its chance to get an upper hand in my brain for the time being? Maybe a pro-inflammatory drug would be helpful for my anxiety/ME?

Or some other pathway, most of which is above my head. People on Reddit talking about Longvida curcumin side effects said stuff like:

Found this study which shows inhibition of [5AR] may cause depression and also that curcumin does inhibit 5ar.
It's a 5ari, meaning it lowers both DHT and probably allopregnanolone. Both very important for mental health
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Senior Member
Montana, USA
I've been off for a bit, and my best computer just bit the dust, but I'm sad to hear you are still having this side effect.

I wonder if it isn't clearing properly from your system which may be another possible option to investigate.

Thanks for all of the good info.

Keep us posted.