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Article Long COVID in Mexico: Isolation and Disbelief

Long COVID in Mexico: Isolation and Disbelief


In Mexico, patients with Long COVID are shocked by the new reality they face. Photo courtesy of César Medina.


Versión en españolVersão em português
By Eric Pyrrhus


Before the coronavirus pandemic, César Medina used to climb mountains, lift weights, and was an avid bicyclist. Image courtesy of César Medina.

César Medina climbed mountains, lifted weights, and was an avid cyclist. He had a good job. He had a partner.

But everything changed in November 2020, thanks to an infection with the novel coronavirus.

Today he lives confined to his bed, abandoned by his partner, unemployed, and wearing special compression stockings so as not to lose blood flow to the brain.

Cesar suffers from Long COVID — a devastating disease caused by the coronavirus. This disease destroys the lives of sufferers, leaving them unable to breathe fully, walk normally, stand, think clearly or even hold a conversation.

In the United States, the government has earmarked 1.2 billion dollars for research into this disease, which affects an estimated 24.7 million Americans. In Mexico, César Medina has only encountered denial and stigma.

Millions of Mexicans suffer from this disease, many of them without even knowing it. César Medina decided to do something about it, and formed a group of patients called COVID Persistente México Comunidad Solidaria.

We spoke with him to learn more.


Phoenix Rising:

How did you first realize that you had Long COVID?

César Medina:

After "recovering" from my first infection in November 2020 — two weeks later — the symptoms came on all at once: fever, nausea, diarrhea, chills, mental fog, spasms, tremors, etc.​
That's when I knew something was wrong. In Mexico since then, there has been NO recognition of the existence of Long COVID, so no one really knew what was wrong. The doctors said it was anxiety and it was psychosomatic.​
So, digging in social networks, I found the European Long COVID groups and I came to understand that I was not the only one suffering from this, and that it had a name.​

Phoenix Rising:

What motivated you to form the patient group COVID Persistente México Comunidad Solidaria?

César Medina:

It was the rejection by doctors, the gaslighting, the invalidation, the fact that in my country there was absolutely no recognition of Long COVID.​
I lost friends, a partner, work — not only because of the disabling symptoms, but because of the stigma of the disease.​
The group is a supportive and empathetic space of companionship.​

Phoenix Rising:

What have you learned from others in the group and what broader realities have you learned from your experience with the group?

César Medina:

I learned that Long COVID is a heterogeneous disease, there are subgroups. I think I am in the worst one, and because of my multiple reinfections everything has worsened drastically.​
But despite that, it's the only space of companionship I have. So I have learned to be patient, empathetic and sensitive to the reality and suffering of others.​
The reality is that in Mexico the public health system is extremely precarious. The care is terrible and Long COVID isn't in their clinical guidelines, so there is no medical approach.​
The vast majority of people do not have the economic resources to seek private care — which is not very helpful either, since doctors are not aware of the reality of Long COVID so there is not much help.​

Phoenix Rising:

How would you respond to someone who says, "I think I may have had a coronavirus infection, but I'm not sure. I've been experiencing some strange symptoms and my doctor doesn't know what to make of it. How can I find out if I have Long COVID?"

César Medina:

SARS-CoV-2 is the virus that has infected perhaps the most people on the planet. So, chances are you've had a COVID-19 infection, and chances are you're likely to be experiencing Long COVID. Welcome to this unfortunate club.​

Phoenix Rising:

What are the things that Mexican doctors and politicians need to understand about Long COVID?

César Medina:

EVERYONE — absolutely EVERYONE — they know nothing, they minimize the disease, they only think of COVID-19 in the acute form and believe it is a simple cold with no long-term consequences.​
I believed it myself. They've been communicating it from the beginning — "milder than a flu."​
It's just criminal. They've let people catch it by relying on herd immunity — which doesn't exist in this disease. And because of that, millions have died and millions more of us are disabled by the long-term consequences.​
Doctors simply invalidate the reality of chronic diseases because they don't learn about them in school. They know how to treat an acute illness, but when it becomes more protracted, they have no choice but to say "it's all in your head." There is no interest in really helping the patient, trying things or following up.​
In other countries, the press talks about Long COVID and there are at least a handful of allied scientists and doctors. But here in Mexico we are alone as Long COVID patients, and I do not doubt that this is the case for other chronic post-viral diseases.​

Phoenix Rising:

What are the things that the international community needs to understand about any issue specific to Mexico or Latin America?

César Medina:

The reality and context of our region. Think beyond the privileges of the first world. Our reality is more violent, more hostile, worse and this is in every sense.​
Many activists and advocates of Long COVID have a lot of popularity in networks, but believe that everything is the same for everyone — and if they are struggling there, here we are in hell itself.​
That cognitive bias must be broken and we must think just like an international common front — one that promotes democratic access to health, protection of the most vulnerable and adequate care for patients.​

Phoenix Rising:

Thank you very much for taking the time to talk to us.


Learn more!

Long COVID is very similar to another post-viral disease, called myalgic encephalomyelitis. To learn more about the reality of myalgic encephalomyelitis in Mexico, you can read this article:

“It was as if all my strength had been sucked out of me.” At 32 years old, Daniela Herrera Villarreal developed simultaneous infection of her throat and stomach, beginning a quest for medical understanding. More than three years later, she has had to abandon her masters degree in anthropology and is incapable of standing for more than 10 minutes at a time. Image courtesy of Millions Missing Mexico.

Eric Pyrrhus is a scientist with an interest in flaviviruses, picornaviruses, and imaging technology. With undergraduate training at Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania, and graduate training at U.C. Berkeley and UCSF Medical School, he has studied biomedical sciences, bioinformatics, biomedical imaging, biosensors, computer science, artificial intelligence, and business administration.
Hello. Once again @Pyrrhus has brought us what is occurring in our neighbor, Mexico. It certainly isn't good news, is it?

One questions that wasn't asked is this: Exactly what, if anything, did the govt. do with respect to immunizations? Are people afraid of getting them? If so, things will only get worse and now it's also flu season....definitely not good.

Also, are people with Long Haul treated as people who could possibly pass the illness on to others? The same with ME (& I suspect there is a certain number of these cases). Exactly what access to medical care is there? Also, who cares for these individuals. My guess it's the same as here, relatives and one has to go to cities for any doctor capable of making a difference.

I'm sorry to hear that people are suffering in such a difficult manner. Any guess, Eric, as to what percentages are involved? You've been very helpful to so many. I'm sorry for those suffering in Mexico. Yours, Lenora
Long COVID in Mexico: Isolation and Disbelief

View attachment 49862
In Mexico, patients with Long COVID are shocked by the new reality they face. Photo courtesy of César Medina.


Versión en españolVersão em português
By Eric Pyrrhus


Before the coronavirus pandemic, César Medina used to climb mountains, lift weights, and was an avid bicyclist. Image courtesy of César Medina.

César Medina climbed mountains, lifted weights, and was an avid cyclist. He had a good job. He had a partner.

But everything changed in November 2020, thanks to an infection with the novel coronavirus.

Today he lives confined to his bed, abandoned by his partner, unemployed, and wearing special compression stockings so as not to lose blood flow to the brain.

Cesar suffers from Long COVID — a devastating disease caused by the coronavirus. This disease destroys the lives of sufferers, leaving them unable to breathe fully, walk normally, stand, think clearly or even hold a conversation.

In the United States, the government has earmarked 1.2 billion dollars for research into this disease, which affects an estimated 24.7 million Americans. In Mexico, César Medina has only encountered denial and stigma.

Millions of Mexicans suffer from this disease, many of them without even knowing it. César Medina decided to do something about it, and formed a group of patients called COVID Persistente México Comunidad Solidaria.

We spoke with him to learn more.


Phoenix Rising:

How did you first realize that you had Long COVID?

César Medina:

After "recovering" from my first infection in November 2020 — two weeks later — the symptoms came on all at once: fever, nausea, diarrhea, chills, mental fog, spasms, tremors, etc.​
That's when I knew something was wrong. In Mexico since then, there has been NO recognition of the existence of Long COVID, so no one really knew what was wrong. The doctors said it was anxiety and it was psychosomatic.​
So, digging in social networks, I found the European Long COVID groups and I came to understand that I was not the only one suffering from this, and that it had a name.​

Phoenix Rising:

What motivated you to form the patient group COVID Persistente México Comunidad Solidaria?

César Medina:

It was the rejection by doctors, the gaslighting, the invalidation, the fact that in my country there was absolutely no recognition of Long COVID.​
I lost friends, a partner, work — not only because of the disabling symptoms, but because of the stigma of the disease.​
The group is a supportive and empathetic space of companionship.​

Phoenix Rising:

What have you learned from others in the group and what broader realities have you learned from your experience with the group?

César Medina:

I learned that Long COVID is a heterogeneous disease, there are subgroups. I think I am in the worst one, and because of my multiple reinfections everything has worsened drastically.​
But despite that, it's the only space of companionship I have. So I have learned to be patient, empathetic and sensitive to the reality and suffering of others.​
The reality is that in Mexico the public health system is extremely precarious. The care is terrible and Long COVID isn't in their clinical guidelines, so there is no medical approach.​
The vast majority of people do not have the economic resources to seek private care — which is not very helpful either, since doctors are not aware of the reality of Long COVID so there is not much help.​

Phoenix Rising:

How would you respond to someone who says, "I think I may have had a coronavirus infection, but I'm not sure. I've been experiencing some strange symptoms and my doctor doesn't know what to make of it. How can I find out if I have Long COVID?"

César Medina:

SARS-CoV-2 is the virus that has infected perhaps the most people on the planet. So, chances are you've had a COVID-19 infection, and chances are you're likely to be experiencing Long COVID. Welcome to this unfortunate club.​

Phoenix Rising:

What are the things that Mexican doctors and politicians need to understand about Long COVID?

César Medina:

EVERYONE — absolutely EVERYONE — they know nothing, they minimize the disease, they only think of COVID-19 in the acute form and believe it is a simple cold with no long-term consequences.​
I believed it myself. They've been communicating it from the beginning — "milder than a flu."​
It's just criminal. They've let people catch it by relying on herd immunity — which doesn't exist in this disease. And because of that, millions have died and millions more of us are disabled by the long-term consequences.​
Doctors simply invalidate the reality of chronic diseases because they don't learn about them in school. They know how to treat an acute illness, but when it becomes more protracted, they have no choice but to say "it's all in your head." There is no interest in really helping the patient, trying things or following up.​
In other countries, the press talks about Long COVID and there are at least a handful of allied scientists and doctors. But here in Mexico we are alone as Long COVID patients, and I do not doubt that this is the case for other chronic post-viral diseases.​

Phoenix Rising:

What are the things that the international community needs to understand about any issue specific to Mexico or Latin America?

César Medina:

The reality and context of our region. Think beyond the privileges of the first world. Our reality is more violent, more hostile, worse and this is in every sense.​
Many activists and advocates of Long COVID have a lot of popularity in networks, but believe that everything is the same for everyone — and if they are struggling there, here we are in hell itself.​
That cognitive bias must be broken and we must think just like an international common front — one that promotes democratic access to health, protection of the most vulnerable and adequate care for patients.​

Phoenix Rising:

Thank you very much for taking the time to talk to us.


Learn more!

Long COVID is very similar to another post-viral disease, called myalgic encephalomyelitis. To learn more about the reality of myalgic encephalomyelitis in Mexico, you can read this article:

“It was as if all my strength had been sucked out of me.” At 32 years old, Daniela Herrera Villarreal developed simultaneous infection of her throat and stomach, beginning a quest for medical understanding. More than three years later, she has had to abandon her masters degree in anthropology and is incapable of standing for more than 10 minutes at a time. Image courtesy of Millions Missing Mexico.

Eric Pyrrhus is a scientist with an interest in flaviviruses, picornaviruses, and imaging technology. With undergraduate training at Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania, and graduate training at U.C. Berkeley and UCSF Medical School, he has studied biomedical sciences, bioinformatics, biomedical imaging, biosensors, computer science, artificial intelligence, and business administration.
Thanks Eric for this moving and very informative interview. I wish there was some way to donate to a medical charity that is helping people with Long Covid in Mexico.
It is clear that people in developing countries need access to cheap, safe and effective treatments for Long Covid. I do know that a growing number of doctors, including Professor Paul Marik, the second most highly published intensive care specialist in the world, advocate for safe, cheap repurposed medicines for Long Covid. The FLCCC treatemnt protocol of Long Covid includes the use of Ivermectin and Naltrexone. I read back in February of this year that in Mexico City the local government was distributing Ivermectin to people who tested postive for Covid.
Much the same happened to all of us with ME/CFS as well, Sick in bed for weeks, months or even years. No one understands it so "poof", they are gone and you are all alone, tying to take on the next day, with no support.
@Pyrrhus Thanks for helping to give a voice to those who are unheard. Having previously lived in Mexico for many years, it holds a special place in my heart. I saw firsthand how dysfunctional the government run healthcare system can be, even for routine care.