Long Covid being treated with NAD+

There are some supplements, but I found it discouraging when they mentioned those enter at the wrong time of the sequence to be beneficial
It says that you are supposed to take nicotinic acid. I think this theory is bulls**t. I take all the supplements though. I’m desperate.

vision blue

Senior Member
This theory on NAD is not unrelated to the theory paper i had linked above that NADPH - caused oxidative stress is the unifying framework that explains who gets hit hardest and can die from covid (older people, hypertensives, diabettics, men, african americans, chronic kidney disease, but not lupus or crohns patients). .

I forget how nad and nadph are connected - NAD is oxidized form; nadph is reducing agent....


Senior Member
It says that you are supposed to take nicotinic acid. I think this theory is bulls**t. I take all the supplements though. I’m desperate.

@RobeAnJa sorry to hear that you were desperate. In the past three or so months I've noticed that my clinics are offering IV NAD. And so the price has gone down. Where are you located?

You can also ask your doctor for a prescription for a slow release patch .... it's a ion (tophoresis??) patch of 4 or 8 hours.

The doctor can also prescribe a compounded higher dose nasal spray of NAD. Are use the spray when I am traveling. The IVs have greatly improve my life. And turn back the inflammation in my brain. I hope this information helps you.


Senior Member

“ I did 2 IVs of NAD last week. Major improvement!”

I’m wondering if all the research into long-Covid will unlock clues for us- weren’t folks on the forum getting great relief from NAD+?

In December, I will celebrate my one year anniversary
with NAD IV.
At least once a week. It's great and helped transform my life. Not a full cure. But still quite amazing.

Have you had more recently?


Senior Member
I’m in Sweden. I don’t think any of the stuff you take is available here.

Unfortunately, I can't read Swedish. And it's too time-consuming for me to translate webpages. I did a quick search in Stockholm though and did see two places that might give an IV. Of course it's very hard to get to places in Sweden is big.

Don't give up. Be curious. Ask people in your area for help.


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
There are patches and nasal sprays available by prescription @Alvin2 if that is helpful info 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
Typically that would make it even more expensive ;)
But if you have a drug plan that covers it at least they are the ones paying the extra.

I am planning to buy some on BF and see if it does anything for me. If it does i'll look into whether its available here by prescription, if the stars align...
In December, I will celebrate my one year anniversary
with NAD IV.
At least once a week. It's great and helped transform my life. Not a full cure. But still quite amazing.

Have you had more recently?

Wow, really? What kind of improvements? Does your insurance cover it? I don’t currently have a specialist so I don’t know how I would go about trying it


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
Wow, really? What kind of improvements? Does your insurance cover it? I don’t currently have a specialist so I don’t know how I would go about trying it
Also i would be curious the dose


Senior Member
York, England
I took 1 x 125mg NMN Sublingual Tablet, it gave me more energy but caused a crash the next day. I plan on trying again but smaller dose, anyone else experienced this? Thanks


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
I’m wondering if all the research into long-Covid will unlock clues for us- weren’t folks on the forum getting great relief from NAD+?
Yes, many of us have been helped by NAD+ or its precursors, NMN or NR.
NAD+ is certainly not low cost
There are many forms. I have done both IV and oral/sublingual. The latter is cheap. The former is not the most expensive part of my mito cocktail IV - I think it's about US$25-40 per IV.
It says that you are supposed to take nicotinic acid. I think this theory is bulls**t. I take all the supplements though. I’m desperate.
Nicotinic acid is a precursor to NAD+. Best to take NAD+ or NMN. And to have a comprehensive nutrient test like a Genova Diagnostics NutrEval, which is available in Europe, to figure out what your needs for nutrients are, and the dosing so you get the most out of these interventions. It is definitely not bulls**t. I find the science supports it, if I take the time to find papers on it
I forget how nad and nadph are connected - NAD is oxidized form; nadph is reducing agent...
There are patches and nasal sprays available by prescription @Alvin2 if that is helpful info
And oral and sublingual versions, which are cheaper.
Typically that would make it even more expensive ;)
But if you have a drug plan that covers it at least they are the ones paying the extra.

I am planning to buy some on BF and see if it does anything for me. If it does i'll look into whether its available here by prescription, if the stars align...
It's unlikely insurance would cover it anywhere. Please post if you find that it is. But it's pretty inexpensive.
Wow, really? What kind of improvements? Does your insurance cover it? I don’t currently have a specialist so I don’t know how I would go about trying it
Easy. You can order the oral or sublingual versions online without a doctor. Otherwise, you can talk whatever doctor you have into sending a prescription for the basal spray to a compounding pharmacy. I don't think you'll find anyone who specializes in this Or you can find a clinic that does nutrient IVs. It's a difficult IV gut most patients to tolerate, though results are good, so I wouldn't recommended that as your first step.
Also i would be curious the dose
I take 125mg sublingual tablets, another 62.5 if I seem to need it later in the day.

For IVs, 100mg works well and lasts for 36 hours or so. 200mg is too harsh for me to handle. IV has a greater effect than oral.
took 1 x 125mg NMN Sublingual Tablet, it gave me more energy but caused a crash the next day. I plan on trying again but smaller dose, anyone else experienced this? Thanks
Yes. It wears off like most drugs would. Keeping a steady level in you might be wise. I take 125mg every morning. Some days, when I'm doing more activity, I find I need more, so I take another half tablet.

More is not better. Taking just enough to keep one going without crashing works well.


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
I take 125mg sublingual tablets, another 62.5 if I seem to need it later in the day.
Egads, the tablets around here are 10mg and cost over $1 each.
The dose your taking would cost about $25/day :bang-head:
Where do you get them and i assume your not paying this much?

For IVs, 100mg works well and lasts for 36 hours or so. 200mg is too harsh for me to handle. IV has a greater effect than oral.
Very interesting, though i assume i can't buy them around here and i doubt a doc would prescribe it without a specialist recommending it (assuming it will even work for me).
If i get a package of 10mg tablets will i notice any difference even if the full dose you take would have worked for me?


Senior Member
Wow, really? What kind of improvements? Does your insurance cover it? I don’t currently have a specialist so I don’t know how I would go about trying it
Hi. FTL. 🤗🤗

nope, no insurance. Maybe the IV draw fee but not actual IV nutrients. A naturopath is good first start as doctor or a DO.
What country and state do you live in?
Also if you live in a big city in the United States, all you have to do is Google IV clinic.
Los Angeles, Chicago, Phoenix, Austin, , Seattle, Portland, Nashville, Albuquerque.... these are all just a few of the major cities that have IV places. When you don't need to have a doctors prescription. Some of them recently are adding NAD as an option. A lot of them however still want you to work with their doctor that they work with before they will let you get an NADIV at a high dose. Otherwise they will let you get a small dose which is about 250mg.
in the past few months, it's now and November 2020,
i've seen the prices drop. I'm on the mailing list of a few IV clinics because I've looked into places for family and friends. And also I've been to four places within California separate from my own doctors office.

The benefits for my brain inflammation which huge. I was in a severe episode where movement, eating and swallowing and pressure in my head was really bad. I was doing regular IV nutrients, like Myers cocktail and high-dose vitamin C, and I had to advocate for NAD IV. Now it's pretty much standard everywhere.... places that you might call me and not have it yet, but they are definitely hearing about it and they are bringing it on board.
They're also traveling nurses or IV practitioners who can come to your house.


Senior Member

“ I did 2 IVs of NAD last week. Major improvement!”

I’m wondering if all the research into long-Covid will unlock clues for us- weren’t folks on the forum getting great relief from NAD+?
Some people were and some weren't. I tried it sublingual at really high doses and was ultimately totally disappointed. No effect at all. Went through lots of it before deciding this.


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
Some people were and some weren't. I tried it sublingual at really high doses and was ultimately totally disappointed. No effect at all. Went through lots of it before deciding this.
It will only work if either lack of NAD+ or a poor NAD/NADH ratio is what your problem is. It's certainly not a fit for everything that sold us. And it's not a cure - well worth figuring out what's creating the lack of NAD+ in the first place and fixing that.
Also if you live in a big city in the United States, all you have to do is Google IV clinic.
Los Angeles, Chicago, Phoenix, Austin, , Seattle, Portland, Nashville, Albuquerque.... these are all just a few of the major cities that have IV places. When you don't need to have a doctors prescription.
IVs are an invasive procedure which can result in anaphylaxis, sepsis and even death if done cavalierly, without proper diagnosis, prescription, sterile procedures, and care, resulting in the closure of clinics, doctors losing their licenses, etc. This ends up reducing the availability of these helpful treatments and harms patients.

Though I have definitely benefited from nutrient IVs over the past 5 years, I am definitely aware of the pitfalls, and have heard enough horror stories, that I've found it's wise to ask a lot of questions and be wary of anyone putting a needle into your body. I don't want to scare anyone unduly, but there are bad actors who casually run clinics like they would a bar, and this could be dangerous, with the FDA making treatments like this unavailable.

This is a needed treatment option for many of us and should be done in a medically sound way.