List of Reliable Prescription-Free Online Pharmacies


Senior Member
@Hip You have been very helpful to me in the past so I was wondering if you know of an online pharmacy that could supply Zopiclone or something similar to help with occasional insomnia?

It is going to be very hard to find zopiclone for sale online without a prescription, as it is one of the Z-drugs, which similarly to the benzodiazepines are controlled medications, and illegal to sell without a prescription. If you do find a pharmacy which sells it, it may well be fake.

This pharmacy which has been around since 2015 sells it: They are an established pharmacy, but I am not sure if they are reliable and legit.


Senior Member
South East England, UK
Thanks @Hip that explains why there are no benzodiazepines or sleep meds on any of the sites I checked! They are actually for my son who like me has a very overactive brain at times and just needs something to calm everything down in order to get some sleep on some nights. His GP gives him 8 tablets and they lasted a year but recently his best friend died and he did so much to support him and this has really affected his sleep. Melatonin does help him.

I am lucky in that my GP gives me 30 clonazapan and they last me over a year as I only ever take 1/4 of a tablet when needed and find this sufficient to just switch off that part of my brain which refuses to calm sufficiently for me to sleep on some nights, especially if I have to get up extra early for the odd appointment.



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australia (brisbane)
I see you live in Australia, but maybe it still helps. Nystatin 500.000 IU tablets are OTC in Germany and fairly cheap about 20-30 € for 100 tablets.

I found a place in Vanuatu for nystatin. Ive used the company before so trust factor is high. No places cheap online shipping here i could find😔
Do have any links to online german pharmacies that ship overseas😉?


Senior Member
They are actually for my son who like me has a very overactive brain at times and just needs something to calm everything down in order to get some sleep on some nights.

Have you looked into the herb kava kava as a mind calming treatment? It is banned in Europe (because very, very rarely, it can cause liver issues), but is available in the US, where I buy mind. I find doses of around 1 or 2 grams effective for calming down an agitated mind. If he has a mental tension-type anxiety, then this thread may be of interest.
Has anyone purchased from lately? The cart/checkout are just broken. Their Facebook page is gone, and Twitter and IG are ancient.


Senior Member
South East England, UK
Have you looked into the herb kava kava as a mind calming treatment?

No I haven't tried Kava Kava and it probably wouldn't be suitable for me because so many herbs interact with the steroid I have to take or alternatively so many herbs are blood thinners and that is the last thing I need but I will mention it to Adrian and see if he would be interested in giving it a try.

He does get some benefit from L theanine but not sufficient if anxiety about not sleeping starts to kick in when he has an important meeting to attend the next day. He has a very high power job at Canary Wharf but lives 70 miles away and after 18 months of working from home he can have a mental battle with himself on the odd day he has to go back to the office. Obviously this has got worse with all the stress he had for a couple of months of his best friend dying.

As we have very similar SNPs and I started suffering with the same sort of anxiety at night from about the age of 40 whilst teaching, I am not really surprised that gradually as he has got older he has developed this issue which is upsetting.

Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.



Senior Member
United Kingdom
Does anyone know what's happened to I've been trying to access the site for the past few days but it seems down, and the Customer Service haven't responded to an email. I used them for a package last month and they were very efficient, the package arrived in less than a week I think, so I'm keen to use them again if possible.


Senior Member
Does anyone know what's happened to

I do not use them much, but I have never seen their site down. Their duplicate site is at is down too.

I can recommend and for low prices, fast efficient service, and extensive range. I use these two most of the time.

With these two, unlike, you do not need to fill out an online questionnaire to get your free prescription. I know it only takes a minute or two to fill out this goldpharma questionnaire, but I'd prefer not to do that (especially as sometimes their doctor will contact you by email to ask further questions).

Goldpharma do have the advantage of offering European generics, rather than Indian generics (for those concerned with Indian pharmacy quality control issues). But United Pharmacies also have a lot of European generics, as well as Indian, and you can also get European generics from , one of the most long established pharmacies (founded in 1996).


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I can recommend and for low prices, fast efficient service, and extensive range. I use these two most of the time.

So I've just ordered something off but apparently it wont arrive for another month unfortunately. I think that might be because they're sending the products from Hong Kong and their process might has presumably been disrupted by the pandemic.

Does anyone know which of these online pharmacies might deliver faster to the UK? Like I said I previously used Goldpharma who were very fast - within a week - but their website has since gone down, I assume they've shut down. I know they were sending from within the EU (Bulgaria I think) which may be a factor in why they were so much faster.

Edit: Goldpharma actually now seems to be up and running but as Hip says they now seem to be asking for a prescription before purchasing. Maybe they always were, or maybe my last product just didn't require a prescription. Whatever reason, I think I'm in need of an EU alternative if anyone can recommend one.
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Senior Member
Does anyone know which of these online pharmacies might deliver faster to the UK?

I bought from Buy Pharma a few months ago, and the item was delivered to he UK in their normal timeframe, which usually about a week and a bit. Buy Pharma I've always found reliably fast.

Goldpharma are back up again, but their site seems slow. Maybe they have technical troubles.

Goldpharma will ask you to fill out a quick questionnaire which acts as your prescription, but they do not ask for prescriptions.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I bought from Buy Pharma a few months ago, and the item was delivered to he UK in their normal timeframe, which usually about a week and a bit. Buy Pharma I've always found reliably fast.

Ah OK thanks

Goldpharma will ask you to fill out a quick questionnaire which acts as your prescription, but they do not ask for prescriptions.

Maybe they've changed their policy, but on my most recent purchase they asked for either a prescription to be uploaded or for me to answer some questions which would apparently then go to a doctor for review before the purchase was approved.


Senior Member
or for me to answer some questions which would apparently then go to a doctor for review before the purchase was approved

That's exactly what happens, you answer a few questions on why you need the mediation, which takes a minute or two, and your answers are reviewed by a doctor, who will normally grant a prescription internally.


Senior Member
@heapsreal Do you know anyone else here who is in New Zealand? Aus. has much better options. I'm thinking the only way is to get anything is to have friend in Aus. send it. I know someone who would be good for it, I think. Goldpharma stuff used to get here at one time. All Day Chemist doesn't have what I need. Everyone I write to in advance doesn't respond at all if you say where you live.