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List of Reliable Prescription-Free Online Pharmacies


Senior Member
Also I'm wondering about the legitimacy of worldpharm365. They sell some medications not ordinarily found on these kind of sites. At first I thought scam but have had some people say they got their order


Senior Member
Do any of the reliable pharmacies stock clonidine, prazosin, or other alpha agonists

Didn't you order from one of these reliable pharmacies before? Might be an idea to use the same one: that's easier as you don't have to set up a new account.

Also I'm wondering about the legitimacy of worldpharm365. They sell some medications not ordinarily found on these kind of sites.

The fact they sell Adderall makes them dubious. Such stimulants are controlled drugs, so it is a criminal offense to sell them without prescription. So these Adderall tablets they sell are probably fake, that way they they cannot be prosecuted.


Senior Member
most of the pharmacies are losing visa but I ordered here before this one still has it https://allgoodshipp.com/

Personally I would not order from a pharmacy that was only set up in the last year or two, and this one was set up in May 2019. This is because if the pharmacy turns out to be dubious, it takes some time before you start getting the negative reports posted online. So you may search for negative reports and find none, but that may be just because the pharmacy is new.
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Senior Member
HI. I've tried to look for a safe pharmacy to order from but scrolling through previous posts makes me feel so ill. I hate to ask someone else to do a search for me but I need help.. I need to use an on-line pharmacy that will ship ACETAZOLAMIDE (Diamox) to Canada (or the States as second choice). I have so many symptoms of IIH with POTS but dr's won't prescribe it for me as they say I have already have LOW blood pressure (as do many people with IIH) and they won't even consider the IIH physiology theories.
Thanks in advance.


Senior Member
All the good pharmacies are listed in the first post, so you do not have to read through this whole thread.

The only two prescription-free online pharmacies I know which ship to Canada are indianpharma.co and goldpharma.cn . Because Canadian customs are very strict and confiscate a lot of drugs, many pharmacies will not ship to Canada. But many of the pharmacies in the first post ship to the US.


Senior Member
@Hip do UK customs allow these things and not confiscate them?

UK customs rules for importing pharmaceuticals are one of the most liberal; it's perfectly legal in the UK to import prescription drugs for personal use. In the US, it's not actually legal to do this in most cases (although US authorities usually turn a blind eye, I guess for compassionate reasons, so in practice you can easily import meds in the US too).


Senior Member
UK customs rules for importing pharmaceuticals are one of the most liberal; it's perfectly legal in the UK to import prescription drugs for personal use. In the US, it's not actually legal to do this in most cases (although US authorities usually turn a blind eye, I guess for compassionate reasons, so in practice you can easily import meds in the US too).
That's good to hear. I hope that won't change after we leave the EU...

I tried to order kava kava supplement from the USA once, but UK customs confiscated it.


Senior Member
I tried to order kava kava supplement from the USA once, but UK customs confiscated it.

I think you may have been unlucky with that. Kava is banned in the EU, but I've never had any trouble importing it from the US, though I've only bought kava on maybe 4 or 5 occasions.


Senior Member
@Hip , I can have it shipped to an American postal service that's 10 min from me (I live on the American - Canadian border). Is it likely to arrive any faster if it was delivered to the USA and through a different pharmacy? ( not that i have a problem with indianpharma or goldpha, I just want it fast)
Thanks :)
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Senior Member
@Hip , I can have it shipped to an American postal service that's 10 min from me (across the bridge). Could you suggest an on-line pharmacy that delivers to the USA and could get it to me relatively quick?

Any of these guys I think should be able to get it to you within 10 days. These are the pharmacies I tend to use. I mostly use BuyPharma; sometimes BuyPharma are as fast as 6 days to the UK, and always within around 10 days.

Sorry to comment on an ancient thread. Please let me know if there’s a newer one.
Several of these pharmacies (goldpharma was recommended to me by several people) are now asking for ID to prove age. This seems like a great way to get an identity stolen. Any thoughts on this? Has anyone given them ID?


Sorry to comment on an ancient thread. Please let me know if there’s a newer one.
Several of these pharmacies (goldpharma was recommended to me by several people) are now asking for ID to prove age. This seems like a great way to get an identity stolen. Any thoughts on this? Has anyone given them ID?

I was worried about that too, so I sent them a picture of my ID obfuscated in the following way:

  • Watermarked with the word "GOLDPHARMA" using semi-transparant 3D-letters in Word
  • Grayscaled

At least nobody can use that photo to impersonate me against another company.
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