I forget which one in the past had mention of exceptions, which is sensible since we vary so much. Maybe they've dropped that to tighten up selection for cohorts?Which criteria are you looking at?
I can't remember whether pacing actually made a difference for me. My PEM was short, just feeling lousy for part of the next day, so I didn't make much effort to pace myself. If I really needed to be functional the next day, I'd avoid obvious triggering activities.Whether you have cognitive or physical PEM doesn't matter, pacing applies to either or both.
Pacing wouldn't have applied to my cognitive-induced PEM, since it might have taken less than a minute of chatting to trigger it. Pace by only saying part of a sentence? I can't remember whether doing income taxes or trying to solve a difficult computer problem was affected by pacing, since those were necessary tasks and I just accepted having a lousy next day.