List of ME/CFS charities as potential Chase nominees?


Senior Member
Noted, frenchtulip. I don't think I've emailed you anything else since the messages about VT and CFS Solutions.

I'll wait until I know the problem at Yahoo is fixed before I email you about the small organizations list. Most of what I found at Chase matched your list.

The problem seems to have resolved itself, Merry. Thanks.


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Hi, WillowJ.

I don't know in what way Chase's list is pre-selected. I mean it is, but I just don't know if their list matches guidestar (is this what I mean? -- whatever the database for US charities is called). The problem I've run into nominating is that the names organizations have on their websites sometimes don't match the name they used when registering as a charity.

If you can provide more information about Pacific Fatigue Lab (alternate name?) I'd be glad to look again at Chase. Thanks.

Edit: WillowJ, I looked at the Pacific Fatigue Lab website, found their address (Stockton, CA), and then searched at Chase Giving for charities in Stockton, California. No charities came up for that location. I then searched for Workwell Foundation, Pacific Fatigue Lab's partner. Once again nothing.

Thanks, Merry. I had looked under Stockton, too, and I couldn't find anything relevant to us (some other charities, but not any of ours). In Guidestar I can only find University of the Pacific generally, and a couple of funds which don't fill out separate paperwork and don't seem to be related to PFL anyway. I'll write PFL and ask whether they have another name or city.


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Yesterday, I was trying to figure out why another organization (besides Pacific Fatigue Lab) didn't come up in a search in Chase's database. The organization was in Guidestar, but when I studied its Guidestar entry, I saw that it was flagged as not having provided necessary documentation in several areas including proof that the organization had filed a 990 form with the IRS.


Senior Member
Merry, Did you find Neuro-Immune Disease Alliance at Chase? Also, I noticed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia & Chemical Sensitivity Coalition of Chicago (CFCCC) signed the letter a number of ME/CFS organizations is sending to Sec. Sebelius. I think they were at guidestar last year, but I can't find them this year. Would you please check for them at Chase? Thanks so much!
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyal


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Merry, Did you find Neuro-Immune Disease Alliance at Chase? Also, I noticed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia & Chemical Sensitivity Coalition of Chicago (CFCCC) signed the letter a number of ME/CFS organizations is sending to Sec. Sebelius. I think they were at guidestar last year, but I can't find them this year. Would you please check for them at Chase? Thanks so much!

Hi, frenchtulip. Yes, Neuro-Immune Disease Alliance is at Chase as is the second organization although it is listed simply as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia & Chemical Sensitivit. The address is Willmette, Illinois, and I see that Wilmette is a suburb of Chicago.

Also at Chase is a Neuro-Immune Dysfunction at Tarzana, California and the Neuro-Immune Dysfunction Syndromes Advisory Medical Board, address Black River, New York.

Perhaps fifteen fibromyalgia groups, beyond the three (?) on the list of small organizations you emailed me yesterday, are listed at Chase. Would you like for me to email you a list of the fibromyalgia organizations to look over?

Should I wait a few days for opinions or should I start nominating the small organizations?

Did the person you know who works for JP Morgan nominate Rocky Mountain?

18 days left in the nomination period.

Thank you.


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Merry, Did you find Neuro-Immune Disease Alliance at Chase? Also, I noticed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia & Chemical Sensitivity Coalition of Chicago (CFCCC) signed the letter a number of ME/CFS organizations is sending to Sec. Sebelius. I think they were at guidestar last year, but I can't find them this year. Would you please check for them at Chase? Thanks so much!
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyal
Now I remember that the Neuro-Immune Alliance is one I already nominated. Double-checked just now at Chase.


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Here's the list of the organizations I've nominated so far:

ME/CFS large organizations nominated for Chase Giving 2012

Rocky Mountain CFS/ME and FM Association

Phoenix Rising an NEID Corporation
CFIDS & Fibromyalgia Self-Help Program

New Jersey Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association, Inc. (NJCFSA)

Wisconsin ME/CFS Association, Inc.

Enterovirus Foundation

Connecticut CFIDS & FM Association, Inc.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Fibromyalgia Organization of Georgia (CFOG)

Organization for Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Education and Research (OFFER)


Neuro-Immune Disease Alliance (NIDA)

Dr. A. Martin Lerner Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Foundation

Edit: HHV-6 Foundation also


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Last evening when I posted the list of large ME/CFS organizations nominated, I forgot that I'd also nominated HHV-6 Foundation. I've edited the list above to add this organization.


Senior Member
Thank you so much for doing all of this, Merry! What a huge help! And Rocky Mountain has been nominated again. So we have 13 nominated right now. Great!

May I copy the list and put it in the ME ME/CFS Fundraising Group on Facebook? I tried to copy the URL and it included your name and photo, so I thought you might not want that.


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Thank you so much for doing all of this, Merry! What a huge help! And Rocky Mountain has been nominated again. So we have 13 nominated right now. Great!

May I copy the list and put it in the ME ME/CFS Fundraising Group on Facebook? I tried to copy the URL and it included your name and photo, so I thought you might not want that.

Yes, frenchtulip, of course you may copy the list. I had made myself a list and was planning to email it to you. Oh, a PR member asked me for a list last evening, so I hurried up and put together the list to post in a Conversation to him and then posted the list in this thread. But I can't think of a reason why posting the URL for the Facebook ME/CFS Fundraising group would be a problem. Whatever you want.

I'll get started nominating from the small group list.

You are welcome, and my thanks to you.


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA
ME/CFS small organizations nominated for Chase Giving contest 2012

Blackhills Chronic Fatigue CFS and Fibromyalgia Syndrome FMS Support Group

Central Virginia Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

American Fibromyalgia Syndrome Association, Inc

Fibromyalgia Coalition International

National Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Association

CFIDS Emergency Relief Services, Inc

Helping Our Pain and Exhaustion, Inc.

CFSFM Support Group of DFW

National Fibromyalgia Research Association



Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA
frenchtulip, Tacoma Gig Harbor CFIDS and Fibromyalgia Support Group is one small organization I couldn't find in Chase's database.

Let me know if you want me to nominate other organizations.

Tomorrow 16 days will be left to nominate.


Senior Member
Thanks, Merry. So you nominates those smaller org's with the exception of Gig Harbor? It will be very cool if they win money!!! I'm excited! Thanks so much!


Senior Member
Here's the list of the organizations I've nominated so far:

ME/CFS large organizations nominated for Chase Giving 2012

Rocky Mountain CFS/ME and FM Association

Phoenix Rising an NEID Corporation
CFIDS & Fibromyalgia Self-Help Program

New Jersey Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association, Inc. (NJCFSA)

Wisconsin ME/CFS Association, Inc.

Enterovirus Foundation

Connecticut CFIDS & FM Association, Inc.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Fibromyalgia Organization of Georgia (CFOG)

Organization for Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Education and Research (OFFER)


Neuro-Immune Disease Alliance (NIDA)

Dr. A. Martin Lerner Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Foundation

Edit: HHV-6 Foundation also
Two other ones worth nominating, if not done already (and eligible):
Open Medicine Foundation:

Simmaron Research


Senior Member
Dolphin, thanks for your interest, but Simarron is not eligible. And when I checked the Chase database just now, I couldn't find the Open Medicine Foundation.
Open Medicine Foundation is fairly news so that might be the problem there.


Senior Member
Clay, Alabama
Merry, does it make a difference if two people nominate the same charity? I was supposed to nominate HHV-6, but I postponed it until after the CFSAC. Now I see you nominated them. Should I do it also?



Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Merry, does it make a difference if two people nominate the same charity? I was supposed to nominate HHV-6, but I postponed it until after the CFSAC. Now I see you nominated them. Should I do it also?


Hi, Tina. Yes, two or more people can nominate the same charity. In fact, I wish that people who read this thread, if they are eligible to nominate (Chase customers and employees only), would nominate. When a charity is nominated, Chase asks for contact information (optional), and I didn't have complete contact information for all charities and couldn't be sure what was up to date. Chase would like organization website address, name of contact person, email address, and telephone number.

frenchtulip worked hard to put together the lists and to track down contact information, but finding all contact information in a short amount of time wasn't possible. More information was readily available for the large organizations than for the small.