I know if I eat nuts, seeds, yoghurts - to name but a few things, I can have a tiny amount before I get face bloating and puffiness yet tests showed I was neither allergic or sensitive to all of the above and was just told to not eat them every day - sort of a build up in my system. I've been told so much different and conflicting information throughout the years I just listen to my own body because I know it so well. But I would like to get to the bottom of why I get this bloating, why I get the face bloating eating certain foods - OK I know certain foods I can't have because I do react i.e. tight chest, spaced out feeling, chills, joint pains which can come on pretty quick so I avoid and any new food I've not had for a while or before is introduced in the tiniest amount.
What I don't understand is there is not a common denominator in any of the foods that is a link well I can't see one i.e. what is the link between nuts and yoghurt. I eat so simple and so plain it gets quite boring so good job I'm not a foodie and I eat to live not the other way round.