Lipkin XMRV study to be released June 30th


Senior Member
England (south coast)
I think these are the times for Eastern Time (USA), UK and Sydney:

Publication of paper: 00.01 Eastern Time (5.01am UK) (2.01pm Sydney)

Video Conference: 10.30am Eastern Time (3.30pm UK) (00.30 19th Sep Sydney)

TWIV video: midday Eastern Time (5pm UK) (2am 19th Sep Sydney)

Apologies for not including more countries...

Here's a time converter, if anyone wants to check it out for themselves:


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
hmm now im totally confused according to this the times for tomorrow GMT are an hour earlier than we thought . paper release 4.01am GMT , press conf 2.30pm GMT , Twiv 4.01pm GMT .
Yes, it is confusing - since I have to deal with the time zones quite a bit, I'm familiar with the confusion: I think it's because we're not on GMT in the UK at the moment, we're on British Summer Time (BST) (+1 hour), so 4.01am GMT is 5.01am UK time (BST).
****Found this - is it a leak???? Legit? Spoiler Alert!****

Viral infection ruled out as cause of ME

Published on Tuesday 18 September 2012 00:00
VIRUSES have nothing to do with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), despite earlier evidence of a link, a study has shown.

The new findings deepen the mystery surrounding the cause of the debilitating condition, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME).

Scientists dismissed previous claims that two viruses, known as XMRV and pMLV, may underlie CFS. “The bottom line is we found no evidence of infection with XMRV and pMLV,” said Dr Ian Lipkin, a member of the research team at Columbia University in New York City. “These results refute any correlation between these agents and disease.”

In 2009 and 2010, separate studies found the two viruses in the blood of CFS patients, raising hopes of identifying an easily treatable cause of the condition. But since then, other investigators have been unable to confirm the results.


disjecta membra
Los Angeles, CA
The new findings deepen the mystery

They said it, by god, they said it! One of the biggest, stupidest, misleadingest cliches about "negative" results. More information is more information, not a "deepening mystery."

I'm finna make a Bingo game for Bad Reporting about ME/CFS research. "Deepens the mystery" or variants thereof will definitely be on there.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
definately miss informing everyone that viruses arent involved in cfs/me, its the 2 retroviruses not bloody viruses in general, bloody idiots. That sort of info could stop a doc from prescribing antivirals to a patient when it doesnt really refer to the herpes viruses which are found reactivating in many of us???

bloody dills!!