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Lightheadedness 24x7


Senior Member
Anybody suffering from lightheadedness 24x7?. It was my first symptom started with ME/CFS. And never ends...
Any solution to cure this drunken feeling?.


Senior Member
If I get too many Omega 3 / DHA supplements (I have to avoid them now) -- I get that so bad. Maybe you're having a reaction to something?


Senior Member
If I get too many Omega 3 / DHA supplements (I have to avoid them now) -- I get that so bad. Maybe you're having a reaction to something?
No. It's like constant lightheadedness. Also if I take some supplements with vasodilation effect it make it worse. And if some with vasoconstriction effect it only make it little better. But I never feel normal. It's like I m living in a dream from past 3 years.

maybe some day

Senior Member
West coast
I had this in the beginning stages. It was quite bad, in fact I didn't drive much. It
can be related to inner ear issues. As the nerve endings are quite sensitive especially to viral attack. I believe at the time I tried antivert which seem to help
I had this for a year at least, it was constant. I related it to inner ears but could never figure out if I had a virus or what the deal was. Do you have any ear symptoms? I had things like fullness in and around the ears, muffled hearing, plus my tmj disorder was irritated causing headaches and occassional ear aches. Getting my tmj disorder under control helped the situation but did not cure it, I'm positive that whatever the problem was it was setting of my tmj spasms not the other way around. It also came back once but not as bad.


Senior Member
I had this for a year at least, it was constant. I related it to inner ears but could never figure out if I had a virus or what the deal was. Do you have any ear symptoms? I had things like fullness in and around the ears, muffled hearing, plus my tmj disorder was irritated causing headaches and occassional ear aches. Getting my tmj disorder under control helped the situation but did not cure it, I'm positive that whatever the problem was it was setting of my tmj spasms not the other way around. It also came back once but not as bad.
Yes. I don't think I have any ear symptoms. But I have tmj disorder symptoms.