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Light sensitivity and Trigiminal Nerve pain


`i am weaning off some pysch meds and have got severe light sensitivity....i have to be in the dark all day as any light on skin and eyes burns and damages. I used a projector to type....also got constant nerve pain in teeth which flares up after heat etc...I have chronic fatigue and feel like im dying ...the drugs have induced serious depression along with the trauma of what has happened.

My skin and eyes also can't tolerate any Infa red either when i go out after dark my skin and eyes hurt with any stimuli like wind or heat. My airway and cranium collapsed from clenching causing my airway and gut to collapse ...also my sinuses and i have tinnitus from the jaw being rammed in my ear...

When i eat anything i get pain and wind and i have lost 60kgs in 18 months....this was all started from the benzos ....i have a 23 and me test with lots of snps.seems my CNS is shot....
