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LDN Week 3


Senior Member
San Deigo, CA
I've been taking LDN (2mg) for 3 weeks now and have been experiencing gut pain and dizziness. Has anyone else had these symptoms?


Senior Member
Oklahoma, USA
Are you attributing the gut pain to LDN? Maybe stop for awhile and see if you continue to have those symptoms. May need to start with lower dose and titrate up slowly, some people don't tolerate it well at first/ever.


Forum Support Assistant
I've been taking LDN (2mg) for 3 weeks now and have been experiencing gut pain and dizziness. Has anyone else had these symptoms?

I had gut pain and other side effects for a couple of weeks after starting LDN. Nothing extreme but it was unpleasant. It's a known side effect that usually goes away. Lowering the dose and then slowly working back up has helped some people to manage side effects.

I started with 0.125 mg/day and slowly worked my way up over a month, then played with the dose to find a good balance point where I had benefits without unpleasant ongoing symptoms. The recommended dose of 4.5 mg/day is too much for me. 2.5 mg/day has been an ideal dose for the past two years.


Senior Member
If I remember correctly it was 2.5 mg. I would have to look it up but can only do so next week when I'm home.:)

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
@Jimbo39, what form of LDN are you taking? I wonder if a transdermal form could alleviate any increased gut pain from the LDN by bypassing the GI tract.

@Pat, do you take LDN at night or in the morning? In the beginning when you had gut pain and increased sleep problems with LDN, how did you stick it out?

I will try LDN soon, and thinking of getting used to it reminds me of starting Xyrem a long time ago. I took it for narcolepsy, but no longer take it since the narcolepsy went away after my brain healed.

With Xyrem, too, you have to start low and go slow because it's also a very powerful medicine, and it takes awhile for your body to get used to. It was really hard until I slowly titrated up to the best dose for me.

One advantage of Xyrem, though, compared to LDN, is that Xyrem is always taken at night. I'll have to figure out with LDN if morning or bedtime is best.


Senior Member
Los Angeles, CA
My son does well with 1.0 mg ldn per day. We get his LDN compounded from a pharmacy. If he takes too much he has twitching and if he takes too little he has pain. He says you have to find that "sweet spot".

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
@Nickster, does your son take his LDN at night or in the morning? Does he get any benefits other than pain relief?

I don't mean to make pain relief sound trivial. That alone would be huge for me.


Senior Member
Los Angeles, CA
He takes it at an unusual time and that is at 3am. He does this because he says he has a reaction (burning), but, when he takes it in the middle of the night and just goes back to sleep.

He has alot of nerve pain/neuropathy. He says it helps the pain.


Forum Support Assistant
@PatJ, do you take LDN at night or in the morning? In the beginning when you had gut pain and increased sleep problems with LDN, how did you stick it out?

I take it at night, around midnight since I consistently wake up between midnight and 1 am. I just squirt the syringe of LDN into my mouth, swallow, and usually fall back asleep.

In the beginning when you had gut pain and increased sleep problems with LDN, how did you stick it out?

Raw willpower and fierce determination. :)

Actually, the sleep disruption wasn't pleasant but there were times where sleep was better/deeper for parts of the night so it was worth waiting to see if the sleep disruption faded (which it did after I stopped titrating). And considering how dismal my sleep had been for a decade, the screwy LDN titration sleep was still an improvement, even though I got less sleep overall.

The stomach pains weren't pleasant, but they also weren't serious enough to stop taking LDN or to try reducing the dose. They also didn't show up until week 3 of taking LDN, when I got to around 1.5 mg/day. They lasted for a week or so, then faded.