LDN - herxheimer or immune flare?


Senior Member
I've just started a low dose of LDN, 0.25mg every other day. I am at the start of the second week. I am experiencing a few side effects, all bearable, just, slight sore throat, tender neck glands, slightly nasally and increased head pain (this is not so bearable).

On another forum someone said these hopefully temporary increase of symptoms is due to herxheimer. However, I've read on here that Ldn increases immune activity. I take it that increased immune activity is different to herxheimer, with herxheimer being the result of die off of toxins and increased immune activity doesn't necessarily mean any virus', bacteria are being killed off?

Also is increased immune activation the same as inflammation? Never exactly sure what people mean when they talk about increased inflammation after taking certain medication.

Thanks in advance


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I've just started a low dose of LDN, 0.25mg every other day. I am at the start of the second week. I am experiencing a few side effects, all bearable, just, slight sore throat, tender neck glands, slightly nasally and increased head pain (this is not so bearable).

On another forum someone said these hopefully temporary increase of symptoms is due to herxheimer. However, I've read on here that Ldn increases immune activity. I take it that increased immune activity is different to herxheimer, with herxheimer being the result of die off of toxins and increased immune activity doesn't necessarily mean any virus', bacteria are being killed off?

Also is increased immune activation the same as inflammation? Never exactly sure what people mean when they talk about increased inflammation after taking certain medication.

Thanks in advance

When I started LDN I regarded these symptoms as an increase in immune activity--like the immune system was functioning better and 'attacking' old problems. As long as your symptoms are bearable, I guess we don't really have to know their exact cause. They do seem to pass in a few days though--for most of us anyway.

Good luck,


Senior Member
Brookfield, Wisconsin
It does seem that everything that will help us makes us feel worse at first.

I started LDN at a 1.5 mg dose, and had to drop down to .2 mg every other day. After almost 9 months, I am able to tolerate 1.5 mg daily. I didn't notice any of the symptoms that you mentioned, except for the headaches. That may be because I had all of those symptoms before I started.

I am really glad that I stuck with the LDN. If the symptoms get too bad, just reduce the dose. I am not sure that a larger dose will work any faster anyway. Your body needs time to adjust to the new conditions, and too much LDN will just cause unnecessary pain.



senior member
Concord, NH
I started LDN during a major flare up, but I do think that I had increased headaches with it. On LDN now for 2 years and counting.



Senior Member
Southern California
It has helped me quite a bit with pain. It doesn't take away my sources of pain, but it seems to "turn down" how much I feel it. Which makes sense with the increased endorphin mode of action.