Lack of proteases (pancreatic enzymes) and the symptoms of CFS


Senior Member
Hi Valentijn, one of the core reasons I feel CFS patients should not take supplements is that they can cause harm. "Do No Harm" is a very important premise to me. I have posted quite a bit on the missing nutrients found in CFS. And just as important ,I think,is I have explained why they are missing. If you are inable to bind or transport nutrients, they cannot be properly metabolized. If you can't digest proteins for instance you cannot carry PROTEIN BOUND calcium. The calcium is then deposited in your joints and tissues. So, is the answer to take MORE calcium so your body has MORE to deposit in your joints and tissues?

The same is true of iron, another nutrient found lacking in CFS. Iron is found in high protein foods. Also, I have posted information to show that protease are what regulate iron absorption in the body. Would it be wise to take supplemental iron if you have lost the ability to regulate it? Here is some information that shows how the heavy metal ion, copper, literally needs a "chaperone" within the body to prevent it from causing much harm to the body.


Senior Member
I have also posted some information on the lack of vitamin D found in CFS. If you are unable to carry PROTEIN BOUND calcium, you would not be able to metabolize vitamin D. Should you take supplemental vitamin D if you have no ability to metabolize it? Could it cause you harm? I posted some information that shows it can indeed lead to a great deal of harm. In fact, it is a main ingredient in many rodent poisons. Some people need a little more convincing than others. Me? You had me at rat poison.

I have also posted studies that show taking isolated amino acids can lead to an increase in disease risk. The researchers stated this was due they felt to a "defect" in the the body's ability to "metabolize" the amino acid.

Man has only discovered 10% of all nutrients. That leaves 90% of nutrients yet to be discovered. What role do they play in the body's ability to metabolize the other 10%? Even if we knew, as I posted earlier, man can recreate sea water, but life cannot be sustained in it. Man cannot improve upon nor duplicate nature when it comes to giving our bodies the nutrients it needs in the form it was designed to use them in.

There are many other studies that show a celiac patient can digest gluten as long as the gluten is properly predigested the way nature intended. Many artisan bread companies that bake bread using sourdough yeast have loyal followers of people that were formerly gluten intolerant. They post hundreds of testimonials online. If you find a study to not be up to a standard you personally feel is convincing from a scientific viewpoint, then I do feel you should continue to research.

Hi Jenny, I do see that it is mentioned here, but not in a manner that would have caught anyone's attention really. It was brought up and he was simply responding to the question. Here is the quote from the link you posted.

"You noted that excessive fermentation in the large intestine can lead to the overproduction of lactic acid yet fermented lactic acid producing vegetable products such as sauerkraut, pickles and miso (as well as yogurt) are also sometimes recommended for gut issues. Do you recommend against using those products?

"No, generally these would be good choices if not in excess. There is a difference between foods that have been fermented, and foods that are awaiting fermentation by our own bacteria. Still, excessive dairy sugars arriving in the lower gut may be an issue and dairy has been associated with problems in short bowel syndrome with excess D-lactate."

I do highly recommend sauerkraut. My recommendation is based on all of the posts I have made that point to the inability to digest proteins as the causitive factor of ME/CFS.


PR activist
I have also posted some information on the lack of vitamin D found in CFS. If you are unable to carry PROTEIN BOUND calcium, you would not be able to metabolize vitamin D. Should you take supplemental vitamin D if you have no ability to metabolize it? Could it cause you harm? I posted some information that shows it can indeed lead to a great deal of harm.

I guess you're referring to one paper by the infamous Trevor Marshall. In the paper he describes a disease model; it's not a clinical trial. Conversely, there has been literally hundreds of clinical trials showing the benefits of vitamin D.

In fact, it is a main ingredient in many rodent poisons. Some people need a little more convincing than others. Me? You had me at rat poison.

Just about every substance imaginable is lethal at high enough doses. That includes ordinary stuff like salt and water.

Published cases of toxicity, for which serum levels and dose are known, all involve intake of ? 40000 IU (1000 mcg) per day. Two different cases involved intake of over 2,000,000 IU per day - both men survived.

40,000 - 2,000,000 IU? Call me a maverick, but the toxicity of vitamin D does not worry me, any more than I worry about an a-bomb dropping on my head tomorrow.


So those are my thoughts. Enzymes to unlock everything.....and possibly taking this Intrinsic Factor. Would love to hear if anyone has brand recommendations for the enzymes and for the I.F, and any other thoughts. What proteases are you all taking, what brand? Need specifics. An how are you preventing them from hurting your stomach (I got BAD stomach cramps, so maybe too high dosage for my tiny tummy). Thanks. :)

Have you tried Enzymedica, Digest Gold Enzymes. This one does not burn my stomach. Start with one time a day at breakfast. Slowly increment to 2 times a day (breakfast and dinner). If it burns go back to one time a day.

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
I have selectively quoted here
Taking vitamin D in supplement form that you cannot bind or transport can lead to another autoimmune disease called sarcoidoisis."Cholecalciferol produces hypercalcemia,
This is an excellent debating point to bring up. More recent studies have challenged this Hypercalcemia problem. I am looking at the concept of getting Vitamin D supplements through the skin, I have put vitamin D and ti tree oil on my skin to treat a keratoma.


Senior Member
I have been posting on how the lack of proteases (pancreatic enzymes that break down proteins) would lead to CFS. The posts can be found on the threads: "The difference between MS and ME" and "What causes Sjogren's syndrome". In the previous posts, we identified the lack of carnitine in CFS and showed how this lack would lead to mitochondrial dysfunction. We traced this lack of carnitine directly back to an inability to break down dietary proteins. We also traced low vitamin D, low iron, dysautonomia, low dopamine, spinal cord changes, lack of vitamin B12, the connection to hypothyroidism and low adrenal function, primary biliary cirrhosis, the connection to Sjogren's, dysregulated calcium, low magnesium (which we showed was linked to the mitral valve prolapse often found in CFS), lack of tryptophan, explained chemical sensitivity, the connection to bacteria and viruses, Restless Legs Syndrome, peripheral neuropathy, lack of phenylalanine, dysregulated tumor necrosis factor (cytokine), the depression, insomnia, confusion, anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, low zinc, the spinal fluid study findings, and white matter lesions directly back to these missing protease.

In addition to carnitine, another critical component necessary for proper function of the mitochondria is Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). It acts as an essential cofactor to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the currency of energy in the body. To produce ATP, mitochondria need certain essential raw nutrients, such as carnitine and CoQ10. CoQ10 also functions as an antioxidant.

A recent study found that plasma CoQ10 was significantly lower in CFS patients. ("Coenzyme Q10 Deficiency in ME/CFS" by Michael Maes, et al.) It stated, "Up to 44.8% of patients with ME/CFS had values beneath the lowest plasma CoQ10 value detected in the normal controls.."

CoQ10 is a fat-soluble compound synthesized by the body and also consumed in the diet. A report from Iowa State University lists beef, chicken, pork, and fish as the foods with the highest levels of CoQ10.In a normal person, CoQ10 can be synthesized, but it requires the presence of one of two amino acids we have found lacking in CFS, phenylalanine and tyrosine. The Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University states, "The biosythesis of coenzyme Q10 involves three major steps: 1) synthesis of the benzoquinone structure from either TYROSINE OR PHENYLALANINE." Tyrosine is derived from phenylalanine and phenylalanine is found in high protein foods. Without the ability to break down high protein foods, you would not have the necessary amino acids to produce CoQ10.

Could you link me to the thread where you say you "explain chemical sensitivity"? Very curious, as it turns out I have a very under functioning pancreas and also severe MCS

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
I guess you're referring to one paper by the infamous Trevor Marshall. In the paper he describes a disease model; it's not a clinical trial. Conversely, there has been literally hundreds of clinical trials showing the benefits of vitamin D.
The Marshall Protocol has benefited a few people, maybe many people.
He refers to the state of low 25 D and high 1,25D
See also
This has also helped many
The vitamin D is a real issue
I have been posting on how the lack of proteases (pancreatic enzymes that break down proteins) would lead to CFS. The posts can be found on the threads: "The difference between MS and ME" and "What causes Sjogren's syndrome". In the previous posts, we identified the lack of carnitine in CFS and showed how this lack would lead to mitochondrial dysfunction. We traced this lack of carnitine directly back to an inability to break down dietary proteins. We also traced low vitamin D, low iron, dysautonomia, low dopamine, spinal cord changes, lack of vitamin B12, the connection to hypothyroidism and low adrenal function, primary biliary cirrhosis, the connection to Sjogren's, dysregulated calcium, low magnesium (which we showed was linked to the mitral valve prolapse often found in CFS), lack of tryptophan, explained chemical sensitivity, the connection to bacteria and viruses, Restless Legs Syndrome, peripheral neuropathy, lack of phenylalanine, dysregulated tumor necrosis factor (cytokine), the depression, insomnia, confusion, anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, low zinc, the spinal fluid study findings, and white matter lesions directly back to these missing protease.

In addition to carnitine, another critical component necessary for proper function of the mitochondria is Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). It acts as an essential cofactor to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the currency of energy in the body. To produce ATP, mitochondria need certain essential raw nutrients, such as carnitine and CoQ10. CoQ10 also functions as an antioxidant.

A recent study found that plasma CoQ10 was significantly lower in CFS patients. ("Coenzyme Q10 Deficiency in ME/CFS" by Michael Maes, et al.) It stated, "Up to 44.8% of patients with ME/CFS had values beneath the lowest plasma CoQ10 value detected in the normal controls.."

CoQ10 is a fat-soluble compound synthesized by the body and also consumed in the diet. A report from Iowa State University lists beef, chicken, pork, and fish as the foods with the highest levels of CoQ10.In a normal person, CoQ10 can be synthesized, but it requires the presence of one of two amino acids we have found lacking in CFS, phenylalanine and tyrosine. The Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University states, "The biosythesis of coenzyme Q10 involves three major steps: 1) synthesis of the benzoquinone structure from either TYROSINE OR PHENYLALANINE." Tyrosine is derived from phenylalanine and phenylalanine is found in high protein foods. Without the ability to break down high protein foods, you would not have the necessary amino acids to produce CoQ10.
I suspect that my CFS is undiagnosed liver damage(cholestasis caused by contraceptive steroids) and as far as I know blood tests are not always reliable in order to diagnose liver disease/damage.I would like to know how many cases of primary biliary cirrhosis you have come across and how early(regarding bile duct damage)they get diagnosed.


Senior Member
I had wondered about this and no longer supplement vitamin D also quite a few people are aversive to light with this,that speaks of not wanting more vitamin D