Hi Valentijn, one of the core reasons I feel CFS patients should not take supplements is that they can cause harm. "Do No Harm" is a very important premise to me. I have posted quite a bit on the missing nutrients found in CFS. And just as important ,I think,is I have explained why they are missing. If you are inable to bind or transport nutrients, they cannot be properly metabolized. If you can't digest proteins for instance you cannot carry PROTEIN BOUND calcium. The calcium is then deposited in your joints and tissues. So, is the answer to take MORE calcium so your body has MORE to deposit in your joints and tissues?
The same is true of iron, another nutrient found lacking in CFS. Iron is found in high protein foods. Also, I have posted information to show that protease are what regulate iron absorption in the body. Would it be wise to take supplemental iron if you have lost the ability to regulate it? Here is some information that shows how the heavy metal ion, copper, literally needs a "chaperone" within the body to prevent it from causing much harm to the body.
The same is true of iron, another nutrient found lacking in CFS. Iron is found in high protein foods. Also, I have posted information to show that protease are what regulate iron absorption in the body. Would it be wise to take supplemental iron if you have lost the ability to regulate it? Here is some information that shows how the heavy metal ion, copper, literally needs a "chaperone" within the body to prevent it from causing much harm to the body.