@Jay franklin,
Thanks for weighing in and giving us the benefit of your experience, its certainly not lost on me. Though I'm not totally convinced ketogenesis itself is ultimately the bad guy.
I started the diet in a very similar state to how you both ended up - RH, no energy capacity, brain fog, autonomic instability, histamine intolerance/MCAS, wonky adrenals & endless gut problems. My doctors also came to the same conclusion: disrupted microbiome/SIBO/leaky gut etc. due to GF and increasingly lower and lower FODMAP diets to combat increasing GI symptoms over several years.
As it seems for various reasons that we are predisposed to falling down this hole, it would be interesting to know if you, like me, would've ended up there regardless of a keto diet. e.g. following food poisoning, antibiotics, progression of illness etc.
I am sure a large part of the keto diet benefit I am getting currently is due to starving the bacteria of carbs - a more extreme version of low FODMAP, which had already proved helpful short-term. It's pure conjecture from someone that doesn't really know much about how this works, but I wonder if perhaps over time the composition of the bacteria will shift and I will end up becoming more unwell again due to overgrowth of bacteria that can feed off protein, rather than carbohydrate, which is maybe where you guys ended up? Incidentally the endo that put me on the keto diet in the first place also suggested long-term pre & probiotic supplementation...
Of course with all that said, I'm in full agreement that its probably best a temporary measure and have plans to adapt & return to a more normal diet over time. I have recently done a SIBO test and will explore that path for a while, with anti-microbials and a SIBO Bi-Phasic diet approach. Failing all that I guess it may be sensible to see what happens with break periods.