Ketosis wastes some nutrients in urine like B1 and B5 for instance, plus minerals (Na, K, Mg, don't know about the others but probably Ca as well).
I've been trying to do the ketogenic diet and struggling as I am working on my food disciplines. I am much better than it was last year .
What I've been reading on ketogains is that it's important to supplement electrolytes when doing ketogenic otherwise fatigue, muscle cramps ,brain fog can all become problem.
Here is my story:
When I went into ketosis, I had even bigger sleep issues for a few days than before. solution: before going to bed, 1 teaspoon of salt in warm water with 200mg Mg. This made me sleep. Yes, one loses salt and K in ketosis.
And all meals I spice with lots of salt to the maximum of my appetite. I developed a lot of taste for good salts. I like the most coarse naturally harvested (water evaporation) unrefined sea salt. While research says the quantities of minerals do not contribute to nutrition, it also confirms that they contribute to taste.
Against the loss of K I was not successful even with small doses. Had side effects all the time. Believe them to be because of SIBO: cell division needs lots of K. So feeding K to my SIBO may make more SIBO. However, I succeeded by tons of Mg. No more muscle cramps. Mg keeps K in cells so it does not get lost into urine that much.
Tests that tell me if I have enough K and Mg:
- If I do not get cramps easily, then I have barely enough (cramps are caused by lack of K and Mg)
- If my towels and armpits of Tshirts do not get stinky in spite of running in them, then I have really enough Mg. (There is research out there on smells reduced by Mg.)
- Certainly, I had also celltrend and serum tests done. Serum is BS, celltrend I appreciate, RBC tests alike. But I think the symptoms are in many cases more useful, because you dont need to wait a month.
Ca is a problem to get enough on keto. I am not aware of losing it, but I am utmost aware of not getting enough. Solutions:
- Sardines with bones
- Bone broth (dont take it if you have SIBO. I have SIBO and it is realy bad if I take bone broth and most of all it slowly gets worse on regular bone broth)
- transdermal Ca and K2, vit. D, Mg. Ca alone causes artheriosclerosis on the long run. K2, vit D and Mg help to shuttle Ca to where it is needed: bone and teeth. The science behind is for example that K2 is needed to form carboxylated osteocalcin, the molecule that gets the Ca into the bones.
- I would not take any Ca by mouth. Ca is feed for biofilms. The mesh of the biofilm matrix is hold together by Ca. Remember, you are only the second consumer of all your supplements. Microbes feed particularly well on isolated nutrients and get them before you do.
Tests if I have enough Ca:
- On Ca (transdermally) I can run on asphalt 1-2 hours without. Before Ca, I had knee pain. Cannot explain the effect.
- Bone Ca scan (I am awaiting the results now)
B5: Usually all nutritionists believe that one cannot be deficient on B5. I finally found a paper that keto loses B5 into urine. I profitted immensely from B5, small amounts in the ballpark of 1-2x the rda, transdermally. It helps you to make CoA. I noticed a big increase in my ability to eat more (I am underweight). CoA is damn important f.ex to have more energy.
Tests for B5 sufficiency in me:
Ungortunately, I have no specific "symptomatic test", only things that are also influenced by other factors in me:
- good energy levels, much more than w/o B5
- More appetite, can even gain weight. In particular, I can eat much more at the same meal without even noticing it. I just pour as much olive oil as my taste is, eat butter to taste, etc and notice that on B5 the before-after weight of butter added into amounts to much more calories. Good for my low weight!
Generally, my best way of measuring nutritional intake of minerals, vitamins, etc is It computes them all from my foods.
Generally, I made the experience that nutrients resorb well transdermally in simple dilution with a tiny amount of water. Just take normal supplemental amounts transdermally. For B5, Ca, I can tell for sure that it is the case because of immediately recognizable effects. For Mg, I need 5x rda (2100mg) in 6 doses divided over the day for the no stinky armpits even when running in the tshirt and ot changing it effect

) For K2 and vit D I will retest in a while.
So this was my mini-guide on minerals and vitamins to make me happy on paleo-keto diet since April 2014. Hope this helps. Certainly, there is much more to happy ketosis than minerals and vitamins...
And a thanks here to
@Gondwanaland who helped me to some of these insights
I posted all these now without references because I made often the experience that people are not interested in that. If you are, let me know, I have them.