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hi all, I feel like I'm posting a thread a day here, I'm also not sure if this is the right place to post this, but has anyone had any luck with l-histidine for the overmethylated bio type?

Let me give you some background info:
I have very low histamine, clinically tested. P5P was making me feel great for a while but nothing lasts forever, whenever I take p5p now it makes me foggy and disoriented! Anywho, I came to the conclusion that either 1)I have candida and b vits feed candida or 2)I have an oxalate issue. Blood tests and an upcoming stool test will tell me everything.

A few days ago I picked up L-Histidine. I read somewhere that zinc and p5p were required in the conversion of l-histidine to histamine so this was a shot in the dark. To my surprise within a few minutes of taking it I felt on top of the world, as good and motivated as I used to feel when I took p5p.

My logic was that p5p and my daily zinc intake of 44mg at the time was converting the histidine in my body into histamine, but that started to create a histidine deficit and the p5p was feeding my oxalate issue or candida instead.

After reading up on L-Histidine, i learned its an important amino in the CBS mutation (which I also have), and that it scavenges nickel amongst other heavy metals. This might also be placebo but I woke up with clear sinuses and not as groggy as I'm used to, which is a step forward for me.

So now I'm taking L-Histidine for 500mg and I ordered sublingual p5p for 25mg.

Has anyone else had any luck with L-Histidine?
I never had any luck with L-histidine alone, but I've had some interesting results with L-Carnosine over the years. Carnosine is the dipeptide of alanine and histidine.

I was first introduced to Carnosine in the body-building world when the pre-workout supplement obsession first began (god bless the days of toxic caffeine/DMAA doses).

Many people on the Phoenix Rising forums will argue that Carnosine increases the uptake of copper. Both P5P and Zinc will do just the opposite: decrease copper.

Fredd's new copper re-feeding theory may be of interest to you. It is certainly the cornerstone of my current research.
I never had any luck with L-histidine alone, but I've had some interesting results with L-Carnosine over the years. Carnosine is the dipeptide of alanine and histidine.

I was first introduced to Carnosine in the body-building world when the pre-workout supplement obsession first began (god bless the days of toxic caffeine/DMAA doses).

Many people on the Phoenix Rising forums will argue that Carnosine increases the uptake of copper. Both P5P and Zinc will do just the opposite: decrease copper.

Fredd's new copper re-feeding theory may be of interest to you. It is certainly the cornerstone of my current research.
Can you please provide a link? I respect Fredd's work immensely and I'd love to hear him out


Senior Member
@23lies, can you share what your approach to copper is? I have a number of posts on copper ...am interested in copper dyrsregulation, copper in biofilms etc. TY
@23lies, can you share what your approach to copper is? I have a number of posts on copper ...am interested in copper dyrsregulation, copper in biofilms etc. TY

Hi aquariusgirl,

I've experimented with copper on and off for the past ten years or so. I think my original ambitions were stirred by the "pyroluria" craze, which blew up in the community way back when.

When I saw Freddd come out of his forum hiatus to talk about copper, I definitely saw it as another chance to experiment. Sadly, none of my recent trials with copper resulted in anything beneficial.

From my point of view, supplemental copper is a means of manipulating (increasing) epinephrine. Most people quit on copper early and rightfully so.

Copper's brother zinc, shunts this stimulatory reaction, giving the user a false sense of satiety. Sadly, most folks continue to supplement zinc and become unknowingly zinc toxic .

I'm still intrigued by copper linkage to histamine and histamine's relationship to adrenaline; however, I don't think direct copper supplementation is the way of out of the woods.

vision blue

Senior Member
Curious about any updates on those getting good results from histidine. i was just about to order some when I balked realizing I have no idea what dose I should be considering here. In the past, i assumed supplements sold otc would have around the right dosage but sometimes off by an order of magnitude- e.g. industrial strength niacin sold like candy. so thought i'd check with folks here who might have already looked in to this.

alos intersted to know what brand of sublingual p5p you used/use and ditto histidine. Compared to other topics, there are not too many takers (of histidine or posts about them...).

(for myself, i would not take carnosine because i already have scads and scads of beta alanine of no known cause. So just the histamine please, the other part of the bipeptide of carosine i have plenty...)