L-form bacteria found in ALL patients with CFS


Senior Member
South East England, UK

The ELISA test only gives a reliable result if you have it done exactly 6 weeks after getting bitten by the guilty tick. This means that, for nearly everyone, it is about as useful as walking into the local supermarket and asking the cashier "Hey, do you reckon I've got Lyme disease?" You need a western blot done by a reliable lab and a doctor who knows how to interpret the bands which are relevant to the area of the world where you were most likely bitten. The only place I know of in Europe that can do this properly is the BCA clinic in Augsburg, Germany.
Also, I think your approach of building up antibiotic doses gradually sounds like a way to create antibiotic resistance. I understand that you want to avoid getting a herx reaction, but if you get your detox nutritional supplements in place in advance you are normally OK. My Lyme doctor adn GP drum into me how vital it is to maintain the required tissue saturation at all times to avoid developing unwanted resistant guests, not only the bacteria you are trying to target but also some other nasties in the gut, for instance.
The latest Burrascano document on Lyme (downloadable from Ilads website) talks about tissue saturation and dosages, so I'd double check what I'm saying there if I were you. He's generally regarded as the God of Lyme disease so I reckon you can rely on what he says.

The test I had done was in Germany by a reputable lab and I also spoke with the Director who assured me it was an excellent test. I certainly was never bitten by a tick but have been bitten by other biting insects so to be honest I could be infected with something else apart from borrelia.

I am following the protocol of Dr Stratton and Dr Wheldon and there are many people who have done this and got well so I don't think there can be any problem. I have taken a ton of nutriional supplements for years and continue to do so so there should be no problem there.

The Doxy is taken ever day but because Azithro is long acting it is ok to take it MWF. The Metro or Tini is pulsed because if there is a high body load one could be made very ill, I have had problems with Tini in the past and had to stop it. This was many years ago when my body was a lot weaker because my endocrine system wasn't sufficient supported so I hope I will be able to tolerate it.

At the end of the day we are in this for a long time so it makes perfect sense not to rush it.


Good luck with it all, Bertiedog. Sounds as if you've done your homework carefully. I really hope all this pays off for us all. We SO deserve to get better.


Senior Member
South East England, UK
Good luck to you too Athene, I am always willing to learn and would be grateful if you could PM me details of the artesunate you take and wonder whether it is easy to buy.


Did you get my PM? Dosage was 200mg tablets of artemisia, 4 a day, taken in 2 doses.
I get it prescribed by the doctor and I don't know if you can get it freely after this new law restricting sales of herbal medicines in Europe. If it is restricted, you'd need to find a herbal practitioner with a license, or a regular doctor. If you're outside Europe, I just don't know...

liquid sky

Senior Member
I have a positive test for borrellia. I was treated by a lyme literate physician, but just could not tolerate the severe reactions, mostly pain, from the antibiotics. I treated for over a year. Still take low dose doxy daily.

I wish you good results Please let us all know how it goes.