I tried something similar a few years ago. I was using a TENS unit I had (which I don't know if I still have) with clips but I had trouble getting the clips fastened properly. Even looking at pictures it wasn't that clear to me where exactly the clips should go, plus I don't think they wanted to stay on. It's fuzzy, I just remember I had problems doing it, so I never did see a benefit but I have heard of this and am really glad to hear that it's helped you!
The clips are a very important part of the system since that is how the electricity gets into you. The exact spots are supposed to make a slight difference but the way I was told was connect to the ear lobe on one side and on the other side, connect to the ear flap which can be a little slippery at times. I mentioned this on other sites and someone said they designed their own clip and put it on different places on the ear
Mine has different modes and settings. I just looked at it but the battery is dead. You set how long a pulse you want, its not a steady current, its short pulses. Then set how many pulses per minute, the number of hertz. I put 10 I think for frequency, hertz is cycles per second so 10 pulses per second. The main control is a volume control, I always set it very low. Then turn it up until I barely feel it or just below that setting
If you do not feel anything even turning it up, the clips may not be making a good contact. A drop of water will help that. I had one clip that always fell off so I put a rubber band around it tightening it slightly
If you take bp readings before and after you will see a difference though you may feel the same. It also lowers the pulse rate which was always high for me. BP went down typically 10 to 20 points on systolic. They use this to control seizures, regulate heart beat though a pacemaker is typically used, and of course to lower bp. If your blood pressure is already low, don't use it. If you are 90 over 50 it could lower it too much
My bp used to be a little high but has been always lower since cfs though now and then I see a weird number like 127 over 77 and hr can vary a lot too. I mentioned it for people who have high hr and near normal or high bp.
The vagus can help the intestines and other organs. There should be ways to use it to settle the stomach, it will calm the heart beat, its possible one day electricity will be used to help our condition and maybe cure it.
Tens units are also used for pain. Chronic pain, phantom limb pain and other miseries can sometimes be treated with electricity. Certain diseases and injuries damage the nerves and can cause constant pain. Since painkillers can only be use a short time, a non drug solution is a life changer for those people. Its usually not used on the ears for pain, they put it near the painful area
"Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) uses low-voltage electrical currents to relieve pain. A TENS unit is a small device that delivers the current at or near your nerves to block or change your perception of pain. Healthcare providers use TENS to treat a range of conditions, including osteoarthritis, tendinitis and fibromyalgia."