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l-citrulline boosting energy (and BP!)


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Did you ever try Citrulline Malate? If you found that L-Citrulline gave you energy and Malate is known to benefit energy then Citrulline Malate should be of greater benefit.

Hi @Carl - tbh, i don't remember what form of l-citrulline I took, though I don't think it was malate. Years ago magnesium malate gave me nice energy, and then, unfortunately, stopped doing it - like so many things!

I do plan to try l-citrulline again, this time in a smaller dose (I can't remember why I didn't try a smaller dose last time!) and I'll give the malate form a go - thanks! :thumbsup:


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
How are your adrenals?

I think they're okay. I take an adrenal glandular supplement (Drenamin) as needed. Years ago they were in quite bad shape and I was weak as a kitten until my chiropractor gave me Drenatrophin.

BCAAs don't seem to harm my adrenals, i've only had good results with them, which disappear quickly if I don't keep them up.

arginine is hard on the adrenals.

I didn't know this. Though when my adrenals get stressed, I get extra tired and so I stay on top of this.

Another thing about the high BP could be that NO boosters dilate blood vessels. That is positive, but excess is harmful. If the blood vessels are too wide, the heart will have difficulty maintaining blood pressure. Your heart will then beat faster and more powerfully.

Interesting! That could possibly be why the l-citrulline raised my BP so much, though at the same time made me feel so good! aarggghhhh!!! D**ed if we do and D**ed if we don't! :aghhh:

Well, I'm going to try the l-citrulline again, but will start very low and go slow . . . thanks @jason30

Florida Guy

Senior Member
I tried something similar a few years ago. I was using a TENS unit I had (which I don't know if I still have) with clips but I had trouble getting the clips fastened properly. Even looking at pictures it wasn't that clear to me where exactly the clips should go, plus I don't think they wanted to stay on. It's fuzzy, I just remember I had problems doing it, so I never did see a benefit but I have heard of this and am really glad to hear that it's helped you!
The clips are a very important part of the system since that is how the electricity gets into you. The exact spots are supposed to make a slight difference but the way I was told was connect to the ear lobe on one side and on the other side, connect to the ear flap which can be a little slippery at times. I mentioned this on other sites and someone said they designed their own clip and put it on different places on the ear

Mine has different modes and settings. I just looked at it but the battery is dead. You set how long a pulse you want, its not a steady current, its short pulses. Then set how many pulses per minute, the number of hertz. I put 10 I think for frequency, hertz is cycles per second so 10 pulses per second. The main control is a volume control, I always set it very low. Then turn it up until I barely feel it or just below that setting

If you do not feel anything even turning it up, the clips may not be making a good contact. A drop of water will help that. I had one clip that always fell off so I put a rubber band around it tightening it slightly

If you take bp readings before and after you will see a difference though you may feel the same. It also lowers the pulse rate which was always high for me. BP went down typically 10 to 20 points on systolic. They use this to control seizures, regulate heart beat though a pacemaker is typically used, and of course to lower bp. If your blood pressure is already low, don't use it. If you are 90 over 50 it could lower it too much

My bp used to be a little high but has been always lower since cfs though now and then I see a weird number like 127 over 77 and hr can vary a lot too. I mentioned it for people who have high hr and near normal or high bp.

The vagus can help the intestines and other organs. There should be ways to use it to settle the stomach, it will calm the heart beat, its possible one day electricity will be used to help our condition and maybe cure it.

Tens units are also used for pain. Chronic pain, phantom limb pain and other miseries can sometimes be treated with electricity. Certain diseases and injuries damage the nerves and can cause constant pain. Since painkillers can only be use a short time, a non drug solution is a life changer for those people. Its usually not used on the ears for pain, they put it near the painful area

"Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) uses low-voltage electrical currents to relieve pain. A TENS unit is a small device that delivers the current at or near your nerves to block or change your perception of pain. Healthcare providers use TENS to treat a range of conditions, including osteoarthritis, tendinitis and fibromyalgia."



Senior Member
United Kingdom
Hi @Carl - tbh, i don't remember what form of l-citrulline I took, though I don't think it was malate. Years ago magnesium malate gave me nice energy, and then, unfortunately, stopped doing it - like so many things!

I do plan to try l-citrulline again, this time in a smaller dose (I can't remember why I didn't try a smaller dose last time!) and I'll give the malate form a go - thanks! :thumbsup:
I prefer to get powders which means dosage can be adjusted more easily than fixed size capsules or tablets. I get 500g zip bags of Citrulline Malate which is 2:1, it's not too expensive when purchased this way. Capsules very significantly add to the cost.

For people in the UK the following link is the cheapest price that I know of ATM @£16.80 for 500g and they do also sell 250g sizes. This company's website can be a bit misleading in places. They will say L- form of substances at the top but lower down the page it turns out to be the cheaper DL- forms, which means that only 50% is usable and the rest taxes the bodies detox systems. Read very carefully before ordering anything.

The only issue with powders is that they are less convenient and do need to be mixed in warm water however they could be put into capsules if they are needed while away from a kitchen. Therefore if any sufferers like the idea of going out partying 😉 then powders might not be so convenient.

I ordered some stainless steel measuring spoons from Amazon because I wanted to move away from the cheap plastic measuring spoons which are frequently supplied with powders. There is a lot of news on the amount of plastic particles which have been found in humans. There was something from China where plastic particles was even found in men's sperm. It is affecting hormones and I have some theories about it and certain behaviours which I wont go into here.

My measuring spoons, I purchased 2 sets because I saw a 2nd set which had a 1/16 tsp spoon whereas the other only went down to 1/8. I have now seen that they do make them down to 1/64 tsp which would come in handy as sometimes I have to scoop the 1/16 tsp out to lower to a suitable quantity. The 1/16 tsp is just over 0.3 ml BTW.

I tend to use around 1 tsp at a time FYI therefore larger spoons come in useful.

I prefer the 100% stainless steel with no plastic in them and preferably circular rather than oblong shaped spoons. So far I haven't found any 1/64 tsp spoons which are circular in shape. There are some which have plastic in them FYI.
1/64 tsp tp 1/4 tsp measuring spoons on Amazon.com - these are oblong though but fairly inexpensive.
There are ones which have large spoons, 1/16 tsp to 1 tbsp type of sizes and most of those are circular.

I have read that magnesium has been found to lower c reactive protein - the inflammatory marker which Doctors sometimes test. People who had lower amounts of magnesium or magnesium deficiency had higher levels of c reactive protein than people who had sufficient amounts of magnesium. I have been taking large amounts, minimum 1000mg to 2000mg of magnesium per day for many years. When I don't get sufficient I get neck pain and discomfort which I recognise as meaning that I need more magnesium.

I hope that is of some help to people here.