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Kefir For ME/CFS?- Study suggests promising results


Phoenix Rising Founder
I recently received some documents from a Canadian companycalled KCLM wishing to push their kefir wares. You may recall that Dr. Logan noted that the probiotics in kefir are very different from those in yogurt and most probiotics preparations.

This article notes that even kefir preparations can differ greatly in the bacterial presentation. Interestingly it says the kefir grains do not need to be alive for them to be effective.

SKP is formulated to concentrate the bioactive components of kefir in an easily consumable form but does not contain live bacteria or yeasts due to a heat-inactivation process used, which allows for a more prolonged shelf life. SKP has shown remarkable improvements in clinical studies of individuals suffering from pain and fatigue.

They noted interestingly enough that stomach upset was fairly normal at least at first but resolved over time.

No serious adverse events were observed although some mild adverse events in terms of gastrointestinal events were noted; however, they were in a range of incidences of adverse effects that are very common in such studies. Probiotics such as the soy kefir powder of the present invention commonly show initially higher incidences of mild gastrointestinal upset that usually dissipate with more prolonged intakes.

They did an open label study with ME/CFS patients

. In the open label efficacy trial, two patients had to discontinue the treatment: one because of gastric pain after 3 days even though she said she had never felt so energetic from the time that she had the disease. She suggested that she wanted to try to take the product 1 or 2 days a week, as her improvements were so remarkable. The second patient had gastric discomfort and vomited at her first ingestion of the product. Increased satiety effects were also noted after the ingestion of the product. All other patients took the product for 4 weeks. For the statistical analysis, a two-tailed Wilcoxon test was used. The results of the questionnaire are assembled into 8 scales and the average score for each scale before and after the treatment were compared.

. Vitality was particularly greatly improved, as a significant increase in the sub-scale measure of vitality in the SF-32v2 questionnaire scores was demonstrated with a 12.8-point increase over baseline measures. A 5-point increase is considered to be clinically meaningful (Rowbotham, 2001).

Anecdotally, three of Dr. Garrels patients with chronic fatigue syndrome have now been taking SKP for more than 3 years now and they feel that they cannot endure without the product. For two of the patients, the SKP is very important for their pain relief whereas for the other patient the SKP is essential for vitality.

The Second Study Comes Next


Senior Member
I've heard that kefir is supposed to be good for us who have cfs.

There's a place a half hour from me that sells organic produce and meat, and they also make kefir. It was on their website that I first heard that kefir could help ease cfs symptoms and possibly even help healing.

When I can afford to check it out I am going. I am quite intrigued.
an island in Florida

I accidently discovered Kefir for myself a few months ago. I have been making my own yogurt and I am interested in learning how to make my own Kefir,.
I haven't been successful in finding live Kefir grains for the process.

For most of my ME/CFS years, I have had digestive problems. They began with horrible IBS, and just got worse. There were food allergies and sensitivities. Naturopaths and other Doctors told me I was not absorbing my nutrients. Because of that I try to use powdered or liquid supplements.

After my 3rd car accident my digestive system all but stopped. A combination of Prolotherapy near the spine and supplementing with probiotics has healed my digestive system so that it is totally normal again, with no IBS incidents.

I also do not have any food allergies any more either, which I believe is because of the heavy metal detoxification that I did. Anyway, that's when the food allergies disappeared.

I have been trying to incorporate natural enzymes and probiotics into my diet so I don't have to use as much supplementation of them. The yogurt that I make has 6 different strains of probiotics.

However, the Pomegranite Kefir by Lifeways that I purchase has 10 probiotic strains.

Every morning I mix some powdered supplements with Pomegranite juice, and add liquid D3, and B vitamins (natural not synthetic) and 1/2 cup of Kefir, shake it up and drink it.

I do believe that supplementing with the probitics and enzymes, serrapeptase and serranatto have helped to bring me to a higher level of health.
I guess I'm not going to wait for someones study to prove to me what common sense is telling me. The stuff is good for us...

If anyone knows of someone that has live Kefir grains, please let me know.


Kefir grains

Hi Angel - If you go to Kefir_Making over on Delphi forums, someone there will be able to supply you with live Kefir grains. Most people will only charge you for shipping. In fact, you might even be able to find someone in your area who can hand deliver them to you. :)


Phoenix Rising Founder
There appears to be a difference between kefir bacteria between brands. I believe KCLM is or will be marketing kefir grains; these grains, oddly enough, are dead but according to them it doesn't matter. I assume they'll come in little packets. If I find out more I'll let you know.
an island in Florida
Live Kefir grains

I will have to check that site out for some grains. I've checked other forums, but have not gotten any responses to my requests.

Personally I am not interested in the dead kefir grains, as my common sense tells me it makes a difference. I've done a bit of research about the differences between the two and I hope to find the live ones.

Thanks for the info.


Live grains

Personally I am not interested in the dead kefir grains, as my common sense tells me it makes a difference. I've done a bit of research about the differences between the two and I hope to find the live ones.

Hi Angel - From everything that I have read about Kefir, to get the most benefit you need the live grains. Live grains will live forever if you feed them and take care of them.

Google "Dom Kefir" and you should be able to get lots of information. He seems to be the expert on the subject. :)
an island in Florida

Yes, I read his stuff a couple of months ago. I had somehow convinced myself that I would be able to find some live kefir locally. I do believe that the live kefir is what I need, and I am not interested in the other.
Thanks for reminding me.


Phoenix Rising Founder
I'm bringing this up to the top for Winsomme.

Yes Kefir does have different probiotics than yogurt (and some of the same). Different kefir's have different mixtures and which bacteria are best is still unclear. This company believes they have a mix that works for ME/CFS and they have some (unpublished) data that says so. Might be worth a try.
Soya Kefir

thanks for bumping Cort.

it looks like the product is called Soya Kefir and is a powder. Not sure if that means you use the powder to make your own kefir or if you just sprinkle the powder on something you are eating....

Do you know if this is available in the US or can be ordered?

are there any contact numbers for the company or do they have a website that you know of?


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
Kefir works by fermentation...cant imagine sprinkling it. i used to make it and it was ready the next day just adding the cold milk and letting the plant ferment it. However while I was doing it, I got the worst gut dysbiosis. It probably had some of the probiotics I was not supposed to have...like bifidus. It could have been feeding my overgrowth of enterovirus, staph and staph

I did a stool test later and started on specific probiotics for my overgrowth and have had no problems since. Not game to introduce Kefir again.


Senior Member
Hi Angel,

I would be happy to send you some live kefir grains. Mine are so healthy that they reproduce at a rapid rate and I'm always looking for people who would appreciate them.

As you probably know, they look like tiny white caulifowerettes. They are chewy, so I don't like to eat them.

I've been fermenting goat milk with these grains for at least three years. They were given to me by the woman who sells me the goat milk. They were given to her by another customer, a Russian woman who said she smuggled them out of Russia in a thermos.

The kefir I make--once or twice a week--ranges from mild to tart, depending on variables in time and temperature. They reproduce fairly rapidly and I usually have some to give away. I sent some to a woman in California recently who said she had tried three other strains, and mine were the best. (Maybe she tells everyone that. Hee.)

It's much easier to make kefir than yogurt. Dom's website says that kefir made from live grains is more beneficial than that made from dried grains.

I think of them as little animals, and don't like for them to go without being "fed" for very long, so I would send them to you by Priority Mail so they would get to you quickly. I would put them in a brown glass jar and feed them some pasteurized cow's milk just before mailing them. I would ask you to pay the Priority postage, which is $4.95.

I suppose that eventually I will learn how to use this website, but right now I don't understand how you can get in touch with me privately if you are interested. Ask Cort for my e-mail address?
an island in Florida
Kefir grains

Hi Sue B:

I would love to have some live kefir grains. As to how to exchange the information privately, that may be a bit more difficult than actually mailing them.

Some how we become friends, or send each other a private message. I know Jodi and Sushi and Cort know how, but I haven't figured out how to initiate this. I will try to figure it out.

Thanks so much,
an island in Florida
sending a message

Hi Sue B:
I may have figured it out. You go up to the tool bar and click on "quick links". Then click on private messages. That should take you to a message from me.
Or, look up to the right hand corner of this thread where it says Wecome Advocate and click on Private Messages.
see you there.


Senior Member

I had just come to the rescue, but it seems nobody needs any rescuing. :)

Smart girl. :D


Senior Member
The Kefir Story, Types of Kefir

The whole Kefir story is rather amazing. Kefir is believed to have started in the central Asian Caucus Mountains among nomadic tribes. These tribes were a horse culture (also the region of the ancient Amazon warrior women). The need to keep food led to fermenting mares milk in skins, later goat and cows milk. The various strains of bacteria became the complex that is Kefir.

A famous Russian family of cheese makers, the Blandovs wanted the Kefir strain kept secret by the tribe. They sent a beautiful woman, Irina Sakharova, to ask the tribes prince Bek-Mirza Barchorov for the Kefir grains. The price refused, but taken by her beauty had her kidnapped, bride kidnapping was common. She was rescued by the Blandovs and they pressed a kidnapping case against the prince, he offered her a treasure in jewels but refused, instead demanding the Kefir, the Czar ruled in her favor.

The Kefir grains were brought to Moscow in 1908, Russian scientist studied the health properties of Kefir and used it medicinally. In 1973 at the age of 85 Irina was awarded a Russian commendation for bringing Kefir to the Soviet people.

The Kefir grain seems to be a symbiotic organism made of a number of bacteria and yeast in a matrix of proteins, lipids, and sugars. The list of microbes and compounds is long and can be found on various Kefir sites.

I have had some naturopathic physicians recommend water grain or sugar grain Kefir rather than milk based Kefir. The origin of this species appears to be from Japan, Kefir and its health and dietary benefits seemed to have transited the globe, the US seems to late to the game. I have seen the Japanese water grains called Tibis or Tibicos. There are supposedly some benefits to SGK or WGK, one apparently is a difference in the polysaccharides, also for those who are dairy intolerant. The grains have a different texture, rather than the crumbly opaque curd like milk grain, they are more jelly like and clear.


Thank you very much for this information, I'd never heard of kefir but have now found the grains on sale on Uk ebay.