Well, I'll come right out in the open and say I wouldn't have slept for the last two years without my mj preparations! (It's legal in my state with a scrip, which I've got.) It's also helped with the nausea, takes the edge off nerve-pain, and really helps my attitude. Now I find that it also helps you resist EBV; my question to you, Kim, is why did you quit? I don't use it during the day except sometimes when I'm really crashy and can't think anyway, then it's a break from nausea and helps me get my mind off the discouragement track. But mainly, it's the only sleeping aid I've used that's reliable, doesn't make me groggy in the mornings, and doesn't do my liver harm from regular use - not to mention being a great spiritual ally. (I know I wouldn't have slept otherwise because occasionally I try going without to see where I am. Where I am = sleepless.)
OK, we were talking about other active substances, here. (Although, come to think of it, maybe Dom's instructions about digesting/extracting herbs via kefir could apply...) I was interested to read the anti-viral and other health effects you got from his site; I was so overwhelmed by the info there I totally missed it. Annemarie Colbin, who writes about healing with food, says that dairy products have a tendency to make us feel nurtured and calm. I'm wondering of the Russian reference to the "neuropsychic sphere" is their way of saying the same thing, although of course kefir has other properties which may make it even more effective in that way, such as calcium in available form, and the ability to lower blood glucose. Dunno. Interesting to speculate.