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Kangen Water


Senior Member
Has anyone ever tried Kangen Water? I've only heard about it from two people, one of whom happens to have a retroviral infection, and they both swear it does a lot for their health. Does anyone have any experience with this water?


Senior Member
Has anyone ever tried Kangen Water? I've only heard about it from two people, one of whom happens to have a retroviral infection, and they both swear it does a lot for their health. Does anyone have any experience with this water?

I just came back from a chiropractor because I have an ear infection that won't go away even though I have been on two courses of antibiotics an one course of steroids.
The Chiropractor did some manipulations and told me I have a lot of inflamation all over my body but the most important thing I could do for myself he said is to drink Kangen Water.
He gave me two cups to drink right there and two gallons from his own machine. He told me to come back on Friday so he can give me more water.
He claims this water is unbelievably healing. It's filtered alkaline water that goes to the molecular level to act as an anti-oxident and it has detoxifying results. I told him that it sounds like magic and he said it is. He is amazed by the ay it heals so many things.
He says it lowers high blood pressure. It lowers cholesterol. It gets rid of inflamation. He said that his wife used to get migraines three times a week and since she has been drinking this water, the migraines are gone.
He is not selling this machine and is giving his water away for free.
I really wander what it will do for me. I will keep you posted.

Has anyone else have any knowledge or experience with this water?


Senior Member
Has anyone had the experience of drinking alkaline water?
Does anyone understand the benefit of drinking alkaline water and is there any health benefit of doing so?
Is it just a scam?


Senior Member
Wetumpka Alabama

I have been drinking Kangan Water for almost a year. I also wash all my vegetables and fruits in it and use it to clean the kitchen and bathroom tile floors with a steam cleaner and 11/2 cup of Kangan. Yes, I can do that now.

Kangan makes the body alkaline and virses do not like that. I cannot say that is the only reason I am doing better..doing a lot. I think Imunivor played a big part and the methylation protocol of Rich Vank.

The water here is terrible and I know I am getting good water now. There is a lot on You Tube about it. There are a lot of different mahcines but Kangan looked the best to us after a lot of research. I got the water at the health food store for a few months before buying the machine. The people I know that have machines all love them...pricey yes but do not buy any bottled water or any floor cleaning chemicals so in a few 'years' it should pay for itself. The adverage life of a machine is 15 years os they say.

Interestingly vegetables and fruits taste better after cleaning the with Kangan, so does coffee according to my husband.

Yes, I would buy it again. I feel safe drinking the water and the research convinced my husband.

There are a lot of knock off brands and believe me they are not as good so people that have the other machines have told me and do not last as long.

I love it!


Senior Member
The body can't be made alkaline. Our PH is held within strict limits -- slightly alkaline. Blood PH is kept between 7.35 - 7.45 and the body keeps it at this value. If you go outside of these values, you will become ill. In short, this water is a scam.


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
The body can't be made alkaline. Our PH is held within strict limits -- slightly alkaline. Blood PH is kept between 7.35 - 7.45 and the body keeps it at this value. If you go outside of these values, you will become ill. In short, this water is a scam.

How do you think the body keeps blood within that narrow range after an alkaline fluid is swallowed? It releases acid from cells, thereby alkalizing the system. Whether or not this is something you'd want to do is another matter. But these machines do produce alkaline water and therefore are not a scam. More than that I'm pretty sure they're especially helpful to people with CFS.

I started using an ionizer a few months ago and can report it's increased my energy more than anything I've tried over the last two years. I'd say it's about a 20% improvement; that is, 20% of the way to full health, and without tolerance problems. It works partly by alkalizing but more through the negative ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) produced alongside alkalization. To be drinking antioxident water is particularly helpful for someone like me who can't tolerate MB12, CoQ10, vitamin E, pycnogenol, etc.

Cheney talks about structured water in one of his newsletters as being beneficial -ionized water is structured water. He has also mentioned alkalizing through diet to help get things going in the right direction.

The machines seem a bit expensive, I give you that, but I've no interest in trying to build one myself. Mine came with a 60 day, full refund trial. I wouldn't be using it if I were healthy, but as I've said I think it has a special application for PWC's, and it works for me. I'm pretty sure it's only a matter of time before it catches on. My one concern is what happens when you've managed to pull out all the unwanted acid in your system; do you then start giving up muscle mass? We'll see.

Also, "Kangen" is a marketing term used by the makers of the Enagic machine. It retails for 4K, more than twice that of machines of similar quality. And that is a scam.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
There are water filters like the Santevia that produce alkaline water a lot more cheaply --and they work--our tap water is around 6.9ph, and the filter produces water at around 8.6-7.6ph, depending on how recently the main filter was installed. I check with an aquarium PH filter produced in Germany, where they take such things seriously! Best, Chris


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
I'm drinking my water at about 9-9.5 PH, which is quite high. Of course the difference between 8 and 9 on the PH scale is ten fold. The manufacturers of the machine suggest 9.0 as the maximum. Fortunately or unfortunately ORP doesn't work the same way; an ORP of -500 is five times the antioxident of -100. So to increase antioxident capacity with this stuff you're probably better off upping your water consumption instead of PH past a certain point.


Senior Member
I'm drinking my water at about 9-9.5 PH, which is quite high. Of course the difference between 8 and 9 on the PH scale is ten fold. The manufacturers of the machine suggest 9.0 as the maximum. Fortunately or unfortunately ORP doesn't work the same way; an ORP of -500 is five times the antioxident of -100. So to increase antioxident capacity with this stuff you're probably better off upping your water consumption instead of PH past a certain point.

I'm not sure I am following. You are drinking high ph water. Is this through a filtration system. Is it Kangen? Are you saying the optimal level is a ph of 9-9.5? What is it doing for you? Are you seeing good results?



Senior Member
How do you think the body keeps blood within that narrow range after an alkaline fluid is swallowed? It releases acid from cells, thereby alkalizing the system. Whether or not this is something you'd want to do is another matter. But these machines do produce alkaline water and therefore are not a scam. More than that I'm pretty sure they're especially helpful to people with CFS.

I started using an ionizer a few months ago and can report it's increased my energy more than anything I've tried over the last two years. I'd say it's about a 20% improvement; that is, 20% of the way to full health, and without tolerance problems. It works partly by alkalizing but more through the negative ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) produced alongside alkalization. To be drinking antioxident water is particularly helpful for someone like me who can't tolerate MB12, CoQ10, vitamin E, pycnogenol, etc.

Cheney talks about structured water in one of his newsletters as being beneficial -ionized water is structured water. He has also mentioned alkalizing through diet to help get things going in the right direction.

The machines seem a bit expensive, I give you that, but I've no interest in trying to build one myself. Mine came with a 60 day, full refund trial. I wouldn't be using it if I were healthy, but as I've said I think it has a special application for PWC's, and it works for me. I'm pretty sure it's only a matter of time before it catches on. My one concern is what happens when you've managed to pull out all the unwanted acid in your system; do you then start giving up muscle mass? We'll see.

Also, "Kangen" is a marketing term used by the makers of the Enagic machine. It retails for 4K, more than twice that of machines of similar quality. And that is a scam.

Dufresne -- when you drink alkaline water, the acidity in your stomach immediately neutralizes it.

Did you know that in the USA and other countries that the water is alkalized -- OH added to make the pH about 8.5. This is done to stop concrete drains and copper pipes from degrading.

The body maintains pH within strict limits, if merely by drinking alkalized water changed the pH then people would rapidly develop metabolic alkalosis and get very sick or die.


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
I'm not sure I am following. You are drinking high ph water. Is this through a filtration system. Is it Kangen? Are you saying the optimal level is a ph of 9-9.5? What is it doing for you? Are you seeing good results?


The water ionizer has a filter as part of the machine. From there it runs the water through an electrical current which makes acid water on one side and alkaline on the other as molecules are attracted to the anode and cathode according to their charge. The alkaline goes into your cup along with its antioxident properties as the acid water goes into the sink with its oxidizing properties. (However, acid water has its uses for cleaning and disinfecting as Marg mentioned.) The machine requires pressure to function, so needs to be hooked up to a faucet. Also needed is sufficient mineral content. In fact it's a great way to get alkaline minerals where they need to go. Supposedly the machine structures the water into smaller molecules enabling them to more easily permeate cells and fully hydrate. At least that's what they say. I really have a very poor grasp on science in general -I like big things as opposed to small. But what I can say is it's improved my energy and stamina considerably. I'm now looking into other ways of getting negatively charged ions and electrons into my system. It seems to be the only way I can combat this ever-increasing oxidative stress.

Again Kangen water is ionized water. It's just a marketing term. It belongs to the manufacturers of the Enagic, which you'll see in the following link. I've tried the Enagic and didn't notice a difference.

This site compares ionizers pretty fairly. I offer it only because I searched extensively for information that was unbiased and was shocked by the sheer quantity, not to mention quality, of deceptive marketing on the subject. I ended up ordering from a Canadian company that offered a 60 day free trial, so I've absolutely no connection with this vendor.



Senior Member
This is kind of an interesting video that may shed some light on what's going on. It's almost an hour though.


@kjm, see the video.


A shadow of my former self
This structured water thing sounds a lot like my Water Vitalizer Plus machine. Is it? Any comments from you more knowledgeable folks in that department? The water seemed to give me a boost a few years ago (and I am in retrospect never confident that anything is attributable to anything in particular, though I'd like to be!), but that gain has totally eroded over time, despite continued use.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Water Electrolysis - Not a Scam

I bought a Panasonic water machine several years ago which supposedly, 1) produces three different levels of alkaline water; 2) creates what they call "free floating electrons", which are supposed to have antioxidant properties; 3) filters tap water with a carbon filter; and 4) breaks down water clusters into smaller clusters. Apparently, water normally has approx. 15 molecules of H2O per cluster; the electrolysis breaks it down to 5-6 molecules per cluster.

I think it's the last quality that gave me the benefits I really needed. I had been chronically thirsty for many years prior to getting this machine, and I drank tons of water. Unfortunately, it seemed I always peed out just a little more. I had drunk a bottle of Penta" water (often sold at health food stores), and it immediately alleviated a serious headache. I then diligently searched for a machine that would give me the same properties as the Penta water.

As soon as I got the machine, I felt I was in seventh heaven. I drank so much of it, but it never seemed to leave me with a full or bloated feeling. I also quit peeing it all out. Slowly but surely, my chronic thirst began to abate. After about a month it was gone. I still use my machine daily, and am thankful for it in my life. Once my body was more adequately hydrated, I began to drink much less of it.

Ive heard reports of large dairy farms using this water for their cows. One farm in particular was apparently able to let go of one of their two veterinarians because the cows health improved dramatically. They also apparently gave as much as 20% more milk.

I have no idea whether the alkalinity of the water has any effect at all. But for me, I believe it was the hydration which gave me the most significant benefits. An inexpensive good book to consider is entitled, "Your Body's Many Cries for Water". The model I bought is no longer sold in the US (Panasonic PJ-A3AH), but I just did a quick search and found a model that looks almost exactly like mine, and at a good price with a 60-day return policy:

Bawell Electrolyte Water Ionizer

Best Regards, Wayne


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
Dufresne -- when you drink alkaline water, the acidity in your stomach immediately neutralizes it.

Did you know that in the USA and other countries that the water is alkalized -- OH added to make the pH about 8.5. This is done to stop concrete drains and copper pipes from degrading.

The body maintains pH within strict limits, if merely by drinking alkalized water changed the pH then people would rapidly develop metabolic alkalosis and get very sick or die.

1. I was concerned about this first point when I first started with alkaline water. The following is from Wikipedia, Gastric Acid:

There are three phases in the secretion of gastric acid:
1. The cephalic phase: Thirty percent of the total gastric acid to be produced is stimulated by anticipation of eating and the smell or taste of food.
2. The gastric phase: Sixty percent of the acid secreted is stimulated by the distention of the stomach with food. Plus, digestion produces proteins, which causes even more gastrin production.
3. The intestinal phase: The remaining 10% of acid is secreted when chyme enters the small intestine, and is stimulated by small intestine distention.
There is also a small continuous basal secretion of gastric acid between meals of usually less than 10 mEq/hour.[3]

There's actually not much acid in the stomach between meals. And trust me you've to build up slowly when increasing the pH of the water you drink. Otherwise you end up feeling pretty messed up. And never drink it around meals as you'll obviously end up not digesting your food

2. It's my understanding tap water around the world comes out of the faucet more or less neutral. 8.5? No way.

3. "The body maintains pH within strict limits..." Exactly, through buffering systems. When one ingests alkaline water the body releases acid; when one ingests a highly acid meal the body releases alkaline minerals. This is well known. We don't die when we ingest alkaline or acid substances. Try having a couple spoonfuls of baking soda on an empty stomach, I think you'll be okay. This act actually has a very calming effect on inflammation as many of us here know. Inflammation helps create, and is considerably worse under acid conditions. Which is why I think this therapy is so appropriate for CFS sufferers.
Montague, MA
I am very intrigued with this idea. Anyone have some ideas of how to check out if alkalized or negatively charger water makes a difference for me w chronic inflammation? I have good well water and don't think I need filtration. I live in a semi rural area without a lot of stores that might offer the water for free.

Has anyone researched Winston Kao and the machine he offers? Here is a paste from his site, go beyond organic. Debra Lynn Dadd recommends his machine. She endorses so many products that I am getting skeptical about her.
Water conditioner for correcting the structure. It will also serve as a water softener without the use of chemicals, as well as preventing and cleaning up limescale build-up.
Water filtration system that will address arsenic, fluoride, lead and other heavy metals that come in the fluoridation program.
After the water has been cleaned up, we now can use the alkaline water ionizer to further negatively charge the water, to gain the thorough cleansing of acids and toxic waste on a cellular level.
For more information please call Winstonat 727-447-2344.
Remember, today is the day to get healthy. Not tomorrow, not in a week or a year. Today!


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
Hi Lucyhem,

I'm using the Isis by IonWays (formerly the Melody, by Jupiter). Here in Canada they offer a 60 day free trial. You might find something similar in your neck of the woods. The page I linked to earlier in this thread has a good comparison chart and should give you an idea of what's out there. The benefit I've experienced is surely due to the antioxident effect, though the de-acidification may pay off in the long run. The antioxident capacity is indicated by the ORP; the greater the negative number the stronger the effect. I recommend trying an ionizer to see if it helps you before making the investment.