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Justina Pelletier Sues Boston Children's Hospital and doctor for medical malpractice ...


Senior Member
You will notice that I qualified it with "considering what she has been through". And what she has been through is horrendous. Coming at the time in her life that it did, it could have long lasting effects. I hope that very harsh judgement are returned against the people involve and that it brings about some much needed changes in the medical community as a whole.

That many months back I cannot be sure what I was thinking, but I would guess that I was trying to convince myself that she had not been totally destroyed by it all. Young people can be resilient. I am wishing the very best for Justina and her family.

sorry, didn't mean to be confrontational. I too am often stuck by how "good" ME patients look in media images. Only those living the experience can know what it really "looks" like behind the smiles for the public.