Juice Fasting

I am currently juice FEASTING and my digestion is so bad. Maximum nutrients minimal digesiton. This is my current day.

[4 Quarts Raw Juice]
3 Quarts Green Juice
1 Quart Carrot Juice
1 Pint Bone Broth
1tsp fermented cod liver oil
1tsp high vitamin butter oil
1tsp black seed oil
1tbsp spirulina
1tbsp bee pollen
1/4 tsp kelp
Systemic enzymes

Feeling ALOT better. No protein deficiencies as its all planned out properly (bee pollen and spirulina add complete proteins).

Expensive as hell though. Trying to go for 3 months. Everything i am putting into my body is a superfood. No nutrient or EFA deficiencies either.

Regular enemas are quite the sight. SO much wwaste coming out even though i am not eating any fibers or solid foods apart from the bee pollen !

A good addition would be raw fermented kefir. Would bump up my protein and give me some bacteria. Also raw 6 hour colostrum id like to add.