Thanks to Natasa778 for directing me to this information. I thought it deserved a thread of it's own. :Retro smile:
AutismOne and Generation Rescue announce the most comprehensive autism conference ever assembled. Among the many speakers during this week long conference are Judy Mikovits of the Whittemore Peterson Institute who will be speaking on Saturday and David Kirby, presenting on Metals, Myelins, Mitochondria and Mouse Virus? The Conference will be held in Chicago, Illinois on Monday, May 24 Sunday, May 30, 2010. Please see attached link for speaker line up and registration.
AutismOne and Generation Rescue announce the most comprehensive autism conference ever assembled. Among the many speakers during this week long conference are Judy Mikovits of the Whittemore Peterson Institute who will be speaking on Saturday and David Kirby, presenting on Metals, Myelins, Mitochondria and Mouse Virus? The Conference will be held in Chicago, Illinois on Monday, May 24 Sunday, May 30, 2010. Please see attached link for speaker line up and registration.