This is a concpiracy theory, but I guess that some conspiracy theories are true.
I don't know whether it is true here or not, but some argues of the writer are good argues, and I would like to add one more argue: After his XMRV study was reported, people here were asking if it is the big XMRV study that he was supposed to take part in. Some period afterwards, people here said that he decided to pull out of XMRV research due to the negative studies until now. That might fit into this blogger argues, because the following theory is possible: Kerr actually had intentions for a big study - but was than contacted by the people described by the blogger who have asked him to put his name on the negative study and to pull out of any real XMRV research in the future, in order for hime to get the funding they offer.
Again, all of these are theories. However, I, and I guess many of you fellows too, have many suspicions regarding the intentions of the researchers in the 3-negative-non-replicating-studies that were published until today (and of the Huber study that was not yet published).