Jonathan Kerr - "poison pill"


Senior Member
This is a concpiracy theory, but I guess that some conspiracy theories are true.
I don't know whether it is true here or not, but some argues of the writer are good argues, and I would like to add one more argue: After his XMRV study was reported, people here were asking if it is the big XMRV study that he was supposed to take part in. Some period afterwards, people here said that he decided to pull out of XMRV research due to the negative studies until now. That might fit into this blogger argues, because the following theory is possible: Kerr actually had intentions for a big study - but was than contacted by the people described by the blogger who have asked him to put his name on the negative study and to pull out of any real XMRV research in the future, in order for hime to get the funding they offer.

Again, all of these are theories. However, I, and I guess many of you fellows too, have many suspicions regarding the intentions of the researchers in the 3-negative-non-replicating-studies that were published until today (and of the Huber study that was not yet published).


Senior Member
I too saw the negative article that Kerr's name was on and was mystified by that. I too also realized that Kerr just disappeard from the scene without explanation. I would bet that the PatientAdvocate is right on - take the pill and get some piddly funding or go along with the "anti-Weasel grou" and lose your career, life, home, etc.

I am an American but realize just how terrible the politics of ME are in the UK. That sociopath Wessely, white, et al have their evil claws so firmly into the medical establishment that no real ME research will ever be done in the UK, at least until those evil ones go away.

Let's hope that Kerr continues his valuable work on genetics. I believe the gene stuff is key to many of our subsets (not HIS subsets which did NOT make any real sense to me). Let's also hope that he and WPI are well funded and hopefully vindicated SOON so that Kerr can continue to research in his own country without having to swallow the poison pill and knuckle under to the evil Weasle and his gang of sociopaths.


Omerbasket, sounds reasonable but I have to ask, you wrote: '3-negative-non-replicating-studies that were published until today'. What was published today?



Senior Member
I just mean that until today we know (as oppose to "knew") of three negative studies. To be clearer, I just meant that right now we know of 3 negative studies (perhaps there are more to come and perhaps not - I really don't know).

If it was bad English by me, I'm sorry (as I said a few times, I'm from Israel and usually speak Hebrew...).


Don't worry omer, I speak and write bad english all the time and I am a native speaker! Blame it on the CFS! ;-)



Senior Member
If he was talking about have an effective test in two years, and treatments too, maybe he's just dispirited that it's not worked out?

While being pitifully grateful that anyone would bother to do CFS research, I don't think that Kerr's gene expression stuff was that great.

It did show clear difference between CFS and depression (how depressing that gene expression work was needed to show we weren't just depressed but unable to admit it!) but to me, the sub-grouping didn't seem as clear-cut as some of the press report had implied. It could lead on to something, but it doesn't leave me expecting an imminent breakthrough.


This is most interesting Dr Enlander is STILL waiting for his XMRV samples to be assessed, also note before he mentioned gene test also.

My gene test was destroyed in a different lab from Kerr's. I waited 1 year for the result and was told 4 times they had the sample and everything was under control!

Nice to see that not only patients trying to find out why they are sick are prevented, but well meaning MD's (Enlander) themselves also!

As the patient advocate suggests - move to America Dr Kerr and escape Big Brother control of neuro immune disease.

NB: Dr Kerr's clinic was shut down before it even opened.

Want proof? Go to this link and screengrab it before it also 'vanishes'.

I can confirm I also saw the video where Dr Kerr said in 2005 ''A cure within a year'' and a diagnostic test within two.

NB: This was 3/4 years before the XMRV bombshell in October 2009


Senior Member
On October 21, 2009 Mikovits and Kerr were awarded a five year 1.6 million grant by the NIH. I am not sure what world other people live in but in my world this was a big deal. In indicated that things were going in the right direction - towards scientific investigation. Since then things have gone south. Annette Whittemore says in recent testimony: "Yet four of WPI’s most recent grants were denied funding on the basis that not enough is known about XMRV to warrant further investigations". This kind of response does not encourage you to continue to apply for grants. And now Kerr has been "disappeared" and what happens to the NIH grant?


free at last

Senior Member
I tried to talk about this on a thread here sometime ago asking questions about Kerrs silence, then the conspirecy got you all as nothing but silence lol. No body loves me just because i eat worms
Funny seeing this come up after that ahh well, In the words of a famouse british spaniard


Senior Member
This is a concpiracy theory, but I guess that some conspiracy theories are true.
I don't know whether it is true here or not, but some argues of the writer are good argues, and I would like to add one more argue: After his XMRV study was reported, people here were asking if it is the big XMRV study that he was supposed to take part in. Some period afterwards, people here said that he decided to pull out of XMRV research due to the negative studies until now. That might fit into this blogger argues, because the following theory is possible: Kerr actually had intentions for a big study - but was than contacted by the people described by the blogger who have asked him to put his name on the negative study and to pull out of any real XMRV research in the future, in order for hime to get the funding they offer.

Given what is in the paper, I'm not convinced:
Authors’ contributions
JK, JS and KB conceived and designed the investigation. HG and VB carried
out the viral neutralisation assays and analysed the data. KM, ER, SB and JK
performed the PCR analyses. SH, JG, FM, JB and JK provided patient samples.
JS and KB analysed the data and drafted the manuscript. All authors read
and approved the final manuscript.
- if the testing had worked out, it would have been great. It didn't unfortunately.

In these circumstances, he might be better to stay away from testing more samples (such as Dr. Enlander's) for XMRV until accepted testing is decided upon which hopefully won't be too long.


Senior Member
Annette Whittemore says in recent testimony: "Yet four of WPIs most recent grants were denied funding on the basis that not enough is known about XMRV to warrant further investigations". This kind of response does not encourage you to continue to apply for grants. And now Kerr has been "disappeared" and what happens to the NIH grant?

It's truly a shame what's apparently happened to Dr. Kerr. He's a researcher that few could question was/is truly on our side. I wonder if someone knows about the fate of that NIH grant - I feel like others mentioned what happened to it on a thread somewhere, but I can't find it (?)

This scenario with the NIH is dismal. I'm categorically against conspiracy theories (of any kind), but it's hard not to take the mere fact of the NIH declining 4 WPI grant applications into XMRV (I wonder if "most recent" means pre- or post- Science publication applications or both?) and to interpret it as the NIH having at least an obvious bias, if not an affirmative agenda, against the possibility of politically inconvenient truths coming out about XMRV and/or ME/CFS, or against WPI itself.

NIH allots a tragically small amount to fund ME/CFS research grants in the first place, and no doubt justifies keeping that amount low to what they consider a lack of what they deem to be "worthy" grant applications received. And yet, according to a search mentioned on another thread, the NIH is funding a study into the effects of CBT on insomnia on CFS patients. Any objective person has to wonder what NIH's criteria are for approving grants for ME/CFS! :Retro mad:
I too saw the negative article that Kerr's name was on and was mystified by that. I too also realized that Kerr just disappeard from the scene without explanation.

FWIW, my ME/CFS doc told me that Kerr's gene research doesn't square with XMRV.


Senior Member

Did your doc explain why it wouldn't square with XMRV?