It is really sad the social services situation, most places that have them are facing constant cuts. NZ isn't perfect, not by a long shot. You are in for a battle for any home help or meals etc or domestic help. Benefits don't cover real living costs. I live with family. I don't know how many survive here without family or living alone. I kept wondering how people in the states survive at all if they cant work or get insurance cover, it is a bit confusing to me, so living with family if your lucky to have good relations makes sense in this context to me. Imagine being homeless with ME. I bet it happens and happens here. Horrible to imagine, the situations many could be in. I think chronic illnesses are neglected across a whole range of sectors in most countries.
@SOC and
@Sushi, I have read Pandora run a meal delivery? I don't know how that works and have no idea where Pandora are based but maybe it's emergency type, offered relief, like SOC is sort of talking about? Do you think they could have a go over there using a different model of charity to the usual and could it work? Getting organised is tough for us at the best of times though let alone in an environment where it would be so different, I guess. We have church type orgs as well which Sushi reminds me of. I do wonder once the big USA machine actually gets behind ME/CFS it could heat up with a roar. It seems such a big machine when they actually get cracking really onto something. But that could be wishful thinking on my part.
I am always impressed with how the UK form these armies of fundraisers for their charities and family members doing marathons, or some challenge. I think it is neat thing.