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Jarred Young at Birmingham. Alabama needs female healthy controls for FM study (free alcohol!)


Fine, thank you
In an email today:

Jarred Younger said:
We are currently conducting a research study at UAB and are recruiting healthy women who were born in 1961-1963 or 1974-1976, and are under 56 years of age.

This research study aims to better understand how alcohol affects the immune system in people with fibromyalgia.

We will ask you to drink a small amount of alcohol so that we can assess its effect on markers of immune activity.

You will be asked to come to UAB 3 times over 3 weeks. There will be 1 telephone screening, 1 eligibility screening, 1 experimental session & 1 follow-up session. If you are eligible to participate in this study, you will be compensated up to $350. ($25/eligibility screen; $300/experimental session; $25/follow up session).

Participants must be: female; healthy; aged 55 or less and born in 1961-1963 or 1974-1976; not pregnant or currently planning to become pregnant; without any significant medical conditions such as heart disease; not using any opioid medication or have a history of alcohol dependence. To find out more about this study, please call 205-530-8006 or email youngerlab@uab.edu.


Jarred Younger


Senior Member
Think it is vodka shots if I remember what I was heard correctly on the Q and A video.


Senior Member
OOps I did a weird sentence there @Valentijn I meant if I remember what I heard correctly on the video.
Haha! We would probably fail any cog testing that was decent even without the alcohol, even possibly walking in a straight line sometimes! I would, mind you there is always the before and after comparisons. I cant remember exactly what they would measure and not sure if they did say what would be measured.

ME/CFS drinking games... imagine the carnage.
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Senior Member
Shouts "free alcohol!"

*no one with ME lines up*
:D Yes, I wouldn't be delirious with excitement for free alcohol. Once upon a time though...

I get given a bottle of wine from time to time at Christmas and it sits in the corner of the room for years. I should give it away.