I say it in the hope of making it clear to other patients that they may be wasting tens of thousands of dollars on unproven therapies.
I got insurance approval for both treatments and my doctor wrote a letter to my insurance company which cited six journal articles backing these treatments. I did not pay tens of thousands of dollars, not even remotely close.
Your case is obviously very unusual and indeed I do not know the detail.
That is my point, and it seems like dismissing my case without knowing the details could make others decide these treatments are not useful when they may indeed help (some) people. High dose IVIG for autoimmunity is pretty well established, at least in the US.
And we still have to face the fact that there are other reasons why you might have got better.
There are not in my case. I was declining to the point that my Endo (who knows nothing re: ME/CFS, and treats my Hashimoto's Disease, and objectively works with blood tests and other markers) told me at the end of 2015, if my breathing and muscle weakness did not plateau and continued to progress, he was afraid I would end up on a ventilator and he had tears in his eyes when he said this.
When I began IVIG in mid 2016, this was the very first thing that stopped the progression and I had tried every med and treatment under the sun from Jan 2013 until IVIG. I kept my expectations and hope low and with each step (from as small as being able to open a bottle of water and cut paper with a scissors, to a year later being able to take a shower and cook meals on my own, to 1.5 years later (now) being able to walk without wheelchair), there is no other explanation. I did not have a relapsing & remitting illness. From the day it started, it progressed and nothing turned it around until IVIG and Rituximab.
I am not cured and the best I can hope for is remission. My MCAS is in remission. While it is better, I still have POTS. I still cannot drive a car or climb up more than two stairs. But I believe I will get there. My family, friends, and doctors are very hopeful, as are all the nurses at my infusion center, and everyone who has seen me. There will be disbelievers like you, but everyone who knows me in person, is in awe at what they are witnessing. I will probably stop posting here soon b/c I don't need to keep defending myself or my experience. But every time I do, people ask me to please continue and if my story helps just one person, it is worth it.
You don't hand out untried treatments without any monitoring or publication - simple.
I guess you just wait for people to die then? And I am not sure what you mean "without any monitoring" b/c in my case, I was very closely monitored with blood work every four weeks and ongoing appts with two doctors. My MCAS doctor (who is the actual prescriber of both treatments so I can do them locally) said that he prescribes IVIG all the time and it is very common for him. He did not see it as a risk as long as I did the pre-meds, 3-day split dose, and very slow infusion speed as a precaution and he was 100% correct. It was as personalized as you could get b/c he has other patients who can infuse at a speed of 300 but my speed is 40. My case actually may be published in a journal one day (with my doctor here and a doctor in Germany both very interested in it). But I am sure you would dismiss that, too?