Your sharing is typical of many believers, and it’s only believers who gain the insight and discernment that all isn’t well in most churches. Many talk the talk, but don’t walk the talk.
As sad as it is most churches are carnal, and the flesh controls their mindset, and while they are tickling itchy ears, then all is well. But, when a trial comes and it’s their test to show who they are in our Lord, they fall beside the wayside.
But, when you fall ill and are no longer in the physical presence of those who believe are in control, their memory is very short.
You are blessed by wanting to do those many things, and possibly in belief that what you were doing was God’s Will.
The sad thing about us humans that we don’t see our Lord in most things, we see God, but not our Lord. Our faith is in our Lord Jesus Christ, and when I fell sick, way back in 1984, I never knew that I was going to met HIM full on seven years later, even though I had been a wandering Christian since 1959. My encounter in 1991, has made my faith so strong, that even though my illness as gone from ME and CFS to now suffering extreme sickness from wireless and Wi Fi, that I left my church, because of all the wireless instruments, sound equipment, and all the cell phones still turned “ON” during the service.
It had taken me from 1984 to 2000 to realise that my ME and CFS was caused by electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and electromagnetic fields (EMF).
The church knew that I was suffering, and I asked our pastor if he could ask the congregation to please turn OFF all cells phones, to pay respect to our Lord, as it’s not necessary to have them turned “ON”, but that couldn’t be accepted, so I had to leave church, and have become an out-of-church believer.
I was hospitalised for 53 days and I had one visit in the first two weeks, then after that it was just the Lord and I. Another time I had another surgical procedure, and heard from no one. As sad as it is, that’s life as a believer, a Christian’s can be in many flavours, and in fact there are six such flavours. Being a believer is what keeps us going, in faith.
Your only friend in the time of need and during trials and tribulation is our Lord.
But, it was our Lord who gave me the discernment of what is the causation factor of my debilitating illness. I had a 2 ½ break from an area of EMR and EMF, and my health came back to me and my ME and CFS disappeared. But, when I returned to my home town in 2000, wireless technology began to boom. As it increased by 1500% over the next few years my ME and CFS became worse, I suffered intensely, and my doctor said that I had FMS. Every time my wife turned her cell phone on my symptoms became worse, every time I walked into a large shopping centre my symptoms became worse.
There is no cell phone, DECT phone or any wireless computer in our home and that is a bonus, but all around me now and very close by, our next-door neighbours radiate me with their wireless technology.
Continue your good fight of faith, and if you are an avid wireless technology user, then get rid of it all and go back to cable, and I believe that your health will improve. PM me if you wish. Regards, a true-blue believer! J