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IV house share 'buddy' needed.


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Im trying to find people to share an apartment with in Brussels for IV antibiotics for approximately 12 weeks. There are a number of reasons for this, largely cost and support.

I can just about look after myself, although I use a wheelchair outside and not sure how ill the treatment will make me. Basically I don't have a family member to go with me as its too long - I might be able to get family support for odd weeks here and there.

The idea is if there are two or more of us wanting to go apartment costs are cheaper, as are taxis to clinic and back (if you cant do public transport like me), also shopping and cooking etc can be shared and we will be a support and friendly face for each other.

I am at the point now of needing IV buddies or of giving up altogether as its just too difficult to organise alone. I spent 6 weeks in Brussels last year so have a good idea of apartments, taxis etc and how things work out there.

If you are interested then post here or PM me. I will be putting this out there in other places as im getting desperate now to do something.


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
I have finally decided that i will be going to Brussels for eight weeks IV Antibitoics in January and February. I have a lovely one bed apartment in Wemmel that i can rent for 1,000 euros a month - it has a chip shop and a supermarket within short walk. It also has a very large lounge with a lovely comfy king size pull out bed so am looking for someone to share with who would also like to be at the clinic around that time. The idea is that we could split costs of taxis to clinic and apartment etc and help each other out with physical and or emotional support, cooking etc. Anyone interested please say below or PM me. This is for current patients of KDM only.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
If you don't find someone here, would you be comfortable asking the clinic if they could match you up with someone?