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IV Clinic for Lyme Treatment in London

I thought it would be useful to let people know there is a clinic that can deliver IV antibiotic infusions for Lyme's Disease in central London.

I have been a patient with KDM for approx 18 months after suffering with what I thought was ME for 7 years. I was finally diagnosed with Lyme's last year and went to live in Belgium so I could be treated with IV abx for 3 months at Himmunitas. However, whilst I was over there, I discovered a clinic in central London that didn't charge the earth and so I came home mid-way through.

It's called the Independent Health Clinic and here is the website link:

I received excellent care there and would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to stay in the UK. I am also doing much better than I was before and am a glad I made the decision to go ahead with the treatment KDM suggested.


Senior Member
Thanks for posting this @yabeeb. The site says that you need to bring your own meds (not just a prescription it seems) - did KDM give you these in IV form to take with you? Or did you need to get them elsewhere?

So happy that it's helped you. :)
Thanks @Apple.
You can do either - buy it at Himmunitas or buy it with a private prescription in UK. I bought mine in the UK as it was cheaper but it's worth shopping around as not all chemists charge the same amount.
I am a patient of KDM and also had my treatment at this clinic in London. In fact on many occasions I was sat next to yabeeb! Similar to her I found it much cheaper than living in Brussels for 3 months. The clinic were very flexible for timings of treatment and are now offering testing for lyme via Armin. They have a handy FAQ on lyme treatment here:


I've been ill for 20 years now so my recovery is somewhat slow. That said I'm grateful that on re-testing it appears that the lyme and co-infections have gone. Now the small business of sorting out my gut issues.
Thanks @Apple.
You can do either - buy it at Himmunitas or buy it with a private prescription in UK. I bought mine in the UK as it was cheaper but it's worth shopping around as not all chemists charge the same amount.
Hey there @yabeeb and @dga5000, just wondering if you wouldn't mind giving me an idea of how or where you were able to get the private prescription for the IVAB's from please? I'm needing some pretty urgently so would really appreciate your help. Thanks!
Hi @minipink
I see a Doctor in Belgium who prescribes the antibiotics I need - both IV and oral. Or there is a place called Augmented Health in London where you can get a prescription, if you are assessed as requiring them.
If you want more info then drop me a private message. I'm happy to help!
Hi @yabeeb Thank You so much! I keep trying to private message you but can't seem to. I have emailed the site's help to see why. I would really love some more info on the place in London if possible so will try to private message you as soon as I can. Thanks!
Hi Yabeeb.

What is your experience of Augmented Health? I spoke to them yesterday and am thinking of getting treated with them. I would go to see KDM but he isn't taking on any new patients currently.
Hi @adman888
Yes I have found them to be very good. I use them to supplement my treatment with KDM. They don't have the same experience in treating Lyme as KDM but Nikola is very knowledgable and one of his strengths is that he actually explains the course of action that he recommends. if you drop me a PM I'm happy to chat in more detail.
Hi @adman888
Yes I have found them to be very good. I use them to supplement my treatment with KDM. They don't have the same experience in treating Lyme as KDM but Nikola is very knowledgable and one of his strengths is that he actually explains the course of action that he recommends. if you drop me a PM I'm happy to chat in more detail.
Hi Yabeeb,

Do they treat the co-infections as well? I like the sound of pulsing anti biotics.
I just happened to come over this thread and i too suffer with Lyme disease, i think it would be much easier for me to stay in the UK to get treatment but I just wanted to ask if i am reading correctly in that these places do both ABX and IVF treatment?

Should i got with Augmented health? I have yet to try ABX combos. Thanks

Hi all, i have had to save up quite a bit of money of recently, i decided to go with Augmented Health but i am curious whether these prices are realistic, i have been told things by this company but those things "suddenly" change later, it is like there are hidden costs that suddenly appear out of no where.

Now here is the thing, the initial appointment was £50, after this i was told I needed blood tests.
Then i was told to pay £100 for an appointment to go over those blood tests.

Note prior to the 2nd consultation they did not charge me which i found odd, it felt like a trust building exercise, previously a former employee of this company made me run around after them, they said they would contact me on two occasions and did not.

After i had this appointment i was suddenly told i owe them £220 pounds because the consultation price doesn't include the doctor's report of the consult so i must hash out another £110 for the report. Seemed odd.

I can not make out if that is a scam (intentionally deceptive) or just them not giving me the full cost upfront by mistake.

I was told i need to go to London 3 times for 3 injections each amounting to £275 (3x275) then go on a course of ABX, they will charge me £100 every 2 weeks for the doctor to see how i am doing on their protocol (med costs are not included).

I was then told i must go to London to have a GP appointment to go over the report which costs £240 before the injections (i will double check that).

Personally i cant help but feel i am being flogged out of money with all the hidden charges. Previously with other companies i did not pay for the report, it came free with the consultation.

Given i am going to London for an injection why do i need to spend £240 for a consultation along with the injection?

So i am curious what others have to say here as i am now feeling this company is either clumsy, not being transparent or like to change their prices when it suits them. I cant make my mind up.

Thoughts? Am i being scammed here or is this the kind of money i am expected to pay? Thanks.
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I am a patient of KDM and also had my treatment at this clinic in London. In fact on many occasions I was sat next to yabeeb! Similar to her I found it much cheaper than living in Brussels for 3 months. The clinic were very flexible for timings of treatment and are now offering testing for lyme via Armin. They have a handy FAQ on lyme treatment here:


I've been ill for 20 years now so my recovery is somewhat slow. That said I'm grateful that on re-testing it appears that the lyme and co-infections have gone. Now the small business of sorting out my gut issues.