It's settled - DHEA raises free testosterone


Senior Member
This is an old thread but I found it with a relevant google search. So i wanted to add my input:

I have had low testosterone (hovering 295 to 300) for quite some time (im a 42 yr old male who has had low T for over a decade).

I started taking 6mg of DHEA via a micronized sublingual (let it dissolve in my mouth and left it there for an hour or so). Only 6mg.

Took it for about 1 week then stopped because I noticed I was getting easily angered and infuriated about everything, and my body odor had gone up significantly. It was simply gross LOL ...

I stopped and just hung out for another whole week ... then figured I'd test my testosterone levels.

They came back 250 points higher - at 550. My jaw dropped. This is *total* (not free) testosterone.

On just 6mg of micronized DHEA in the mouth (try not to swallow anything) for 7 days - and the test was done 7 days AFTER i had stopped.

I have decided that Im going to avoid the Clomid, and the Androgel and the T injections and simply take 12mg of DHEA once a week. If I am this responsive to it, I could feasibly keep my T levels in the 500's and 600's via this "natural" method forever. Much safer and no "shut down" involved.

Thanks for the tips above - I will monitor my estrogen. I have access to an Aromatase inhibitor if I need one.