isocort supplement.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
hi Heaps

I wanted to ask you this because you seem pretty knowledgeable about DHEA because I have noticed you have mentioned it before in a number of posts. Everytime I have tried it in the past...and I've tried it a few different times thinking it might be just a particular brand, everyone of them gave me itching symptoms, enough of a pain in the azz to not want to tolerate taking them anymore. Do you know what might be up with this and why I get this type of reaction?

An itchy feeling i would think might be due to the fillers in the capsules/tablets. If your keen to try it find a compounding chemist and try their capsules and ask them more about their fillers etc, also maybe ask them about a transdermal creams where it is absorbed through the skin. Just start low like 5mg and increase slowly in 5mg increments to around 25mg and see how u feel.



Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
An itchy feeling i would think might be due to the fillers in the capsules/tablets. If your keen to try it find a compounding chemist and try their capsules and ask them more about their fillers etc, also maybe ask them about a transdermal creams where it is absorbed through the skin. Just start low like 5mg and increase slowly in 5mg increments to around 25mg and see how u feel.


hi Heaps

That is what I originally thought, being possibly from a certain filler. So I tried a different brand without the same filler but got the same reaction. I know I am not allergic to all fillers because I know other supps that I have taken use some of the same fillers and I do not get that reaction. The only other supp I've taken where I had more pronounced itching is when I started and continued on the B2, but predominantly the itching was more on the back of my hands and forearms..although back of my hands seemed the worst. I would on occasion get some additional itching here and there but moreso on my forearms and back of hands. With DHEA......I would get itching more all over. Nothing so intense to drive me absolutely nuts but it was enough of a continued nuisance where I thought taking DHEA wasn't quite the right thing for me to do, albeit I was also low on DHEAS when I took the 24 hour saliva test for cortisol. Plus I just felt a weird strange feeling from taking it.


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
I'd also like to add to my above post. I was sitting here trying to more accurately describe that strange weird feeling I got on DHEA. It was more of a low grade constant internal anxiety and I seemed more foggy and out of it when taking it. I was wondering and I don't know if this is the case, but is taking DHEA similar to like a prescription AD where you have to ride out the side effects first while it builds up in your system to possibly get more of a therapeutic response or if one is to be positively responsive to it it, a therapeutic response would happen more sooner than later? If the latter is the case, I still don't know if that itching would have subsided.


PR activist
I'd also like to add to my above post. I was sitting here trying to more accurately describe that strange weird feeling I got on DHEA. It was more of a low grade constant internal anxiety and I seemed more foggy and out of it when taking it. I was wondering and I don't know if this is the case, but is taking DHEA similar to like a prescription AD where you have to ride out the side effects first while it builds up in your system to possibly get more of a therapeutic response or if one is to be positively responsive to it it, a therapeutic response would happen more sooner than later? If the latter is the case, I still don't know if that itching would have subsided.
My guess is that the DHEA antagonizes cortisol, which might already be low.


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
My guess is that the DHEA antagonizes cortisol, which might already be low.

hi adreno.

That makes total sense. So if one is both low cortisol and low DHEA.....I'm assuming low cortisol has to be dealt with first? You might have already read my above posts in that I get bad reactions to Isocort and other adrenal extracts. That's why I'm thinking giving a trial to the supps Dufresne suggested above.


PR activist
I guess they should be dealt with simultaneously.
hi adreno.

That makes total sense. So if one is both low cortisol and low DHEA.....I'm assuming low cortisol has to be dealt with first? You might have already read my above posts in that I get bad reactions to Isocort and other adrenal extracts. That's why I'm thinking giving a trial to the supps Dufresne suggested above.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
try low doses of pregnenolone, 5mg and slowly increase it, preg can help both low cortisol and dhea although it seems to be more common to affect cortisol. Maybe after awhile on pregnenolone u can then add small amounts of dhea. Its all an educated guess and a juggle to find what works, need to try different combinations etc to find what works for u.



almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
If so, what was your dosage and how long before you started seeing some positive effects?

Sorry, forgot to mention the dosing. Take the wormwood in a dose equivalent to that used in anti-parasitic regimens. I believe this is pretty safe, though you should read up on long-term use, as it's generally not recommended. This almost completely wipes out my brainfog, but only if I'm also on an extremely low sugar/carb diet. Cheney, however, talks about swishing wormwood solution around in one's mouth and spitting it out, and taking artesunate a couple times a week.*

With the glandulars I take 5-10 capsules at a time. I figure if I can only take them every two months I might as well make sure I'm getting everything I can out of it.

*I think Cheney's ETM machine is working on the same principal as electro dermal screening. That is, you don't have to bring the body into energetic contact with much of the substance being tested in order to get some kind of response. Therefore when you swish something like wormwood in your mouth and spit it out the machine is just telling you that that's a good remedy for you, not that the dose or method used is ideal. I'm all for homeopathy but I don't think swishing wormwood around in your mouth is going to do anything.


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
Sorry, forgot to mention the dosing. Take the wormwood in a dose equivalent to that used in anti-parasitic regimens. I believe this is pretty safe, though you should read up on long-term use, as it's generally not recommended. This almost completely wipes out my brainfog, but only if I'm also on an extremely low sugar/carb diet. Cheney, however, talks about swishing wormwood solution around in one's mouth and spitting it out, and taking artesunate a couple times a week.*

With the glandulars I take 5-10 capsules at a time. I figure if I can only take them every two months I might as well make sure I'm getting everything I can out of it.

*I think Cheney's ETM machine is working on the same principal as electro dermal screening. That is, you don't have to bring the body into energetic contact with much of the substance being tested in order to get some kind of response. Therefore when you swish something like wormwood in your mouth and spit it out the machine is just telling you that that's a good remedy for you, not that the dose or method used is ideal. I'm all for homeopathy but I don't think swishing wormwood around in your mouth is going to do anything.

hi Dufresne

I just want to be clear on your dosage. You take 5-10 caps per day of each of your brain and heart every day for 2 months before you give it a rest? Do you split that in half and take half of your brain and half of your heart together at the same time or do you take all of your brain..let's say in the morning..and then all of your heart in the evening kind of thing?

I realize everyone is different as far as how much they need of anything..but the label says only take 1 per day. Did you try a lower amount at first and had to graduate up for a desired effect?


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
I take 5-10 caps of each, together, once every two months. That's one dose. This is because of sensitization problems. Otherwise I'd be dosing one of each perhaps 3 times per week. Take it as directed, I'm sure that'll be sufficient

As Cheney says, we're rebooting the computer with this stuff. It has a sustained effect. If you take something like adrenal glandular even once, you risk messing yourself up for an indeterminate time. This is why he says these should NEVER be given to PWC's. Brain and heart on the other hand are "universally good" and should benefit most of us in some way.


PR activist
I want to add that there is a risk of developing mad cow disease, from ingestion raw brain parts.


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
I take 5-10 caps of each, together, once every two months. That's one dose. This is because of sensitization problems. Otherwise I'd be dosing one of each perhaps 3 times per week. Take it as directed, I'm sure that'll be sufficient

As Cheney says, we're rebooting the computer with this stuff. It has a sustained effect. If you take something like adrenal glandular even once, you risk messing yourself up for an indeterminate time. This is why he says these should NEVER be given to PWC's. Brain and heart on the other hand are "universally good" and should benefit most of us in some way.

Ah ok Dufresne...I see what you are saying now. knowing the adrenal glandulars and extracts arent so good for me..and after reading what you posted about what Cheney sparked a memory in me that quite some time ago one doctor I saw put me on a round of Cortef which I felt worse on. I can't recall how long I was on it but it was not very long. Who knows..maybe that doc did me more of a disfavor than a favor. I posted a pretty long reply to a question giving more of a history on me in the Detox Metylation section under the thread about Curcumin for atypical depression if you care to read it.


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
I want to add that there is a risk of developing mad cow disease, from ingestion raw brain parts.

hi adreno

That is a good words of caution. I've never bought any Nuticology supps you know if they are a trusted brand? If you know if any mad cow disease has been detected in any range fed cows from New Zealand or Australia? Who knows..I guess if it hasn't, it could happen at some point I suppose. Maybe Dufresne has researched into this.


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
What about Licorice? I atleast know it keeps cortisol circulating in your system longer. Is this something that should be categorized as an adrenal extract and if so, would it be best to avoid taking this as well?


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
Atleast this speaks well of the Nutricology brand being that doctors and health care practioners use them...

"A part of the Allergy Research group, Nutricology Inc is a pioneer company in manufacturing nutritional supplements. Having manufactured over 200 products, the research and development is still on for many more to come. Mr. Stephen Levine founded the company in 1979 and since its incorporation the company has been a trusted brand and has over thousands of doctors and health care practitioners using is products" You have to scroll down more the page to see this.....

Then I found this from another site....and I don't know why I can't copy and paste but just look for the 2nd paragraph down.....


That applies to New Zealand. Can we assume the same applies from Australia?


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
Hypothalamus glandular is bad too. I theorized myself into trying it a couple times in the last few months, and its definitely not good for me. I'm not sure how culpable it is, but I'm having trouble reading without suffering PEM, and I've never had problems of this sort before.

So to reiterate: adrenal cortex, adrenal medulla, and hypothalamus are all deleterious.

It's so strange, who knows how these things work. I took a homeopathic product called, "adrenal energy" several months ago and was amazed to have gone back about 5 years in my illness in just a few days. Unfortunately this only lasted a week and I ended up slightly worse off afterwards. I'm sure a strong HPA axis is worth fighting for in this disease, but not with HPA glandulars. I've found large doses of B5 to be helpful.

Also I've taken to eating an ounce or two of raw bison heart every month or so. The bison really is far more potent than that of the other animals, just as Cheney states. My resting heart rate went from 78 to 62 bpm virtually overnight. My HR has never been 62!


Senior Member
so this Dr. Cheney has written about supplements that work and he's a real doctor? the heart is high in coq10/ubiquinol so maybe that would help. I feel better on hydrocortisone suppositories which I take for hemmaroids. my cortisol PM was 2.4 so I'm wondering if cortef or HC would help me. is replacing HC and letting the adrenals rest a myth? I've taken prednisone which seems biologically similar to cortisol and am not sure it helps, it's a strong drug and can cause diabetes, bone loss


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
so this Dr. Cheney has written about supplements that work and he's a real doctor? the heart is high in coq10/ubiquinol so maybe that would help. I feel better on hydrocortisone suppositories which I take for hemmaroids. my cortisol PM was 2.4 so I'm wondering if cortef or HC would help me. is replacing HC and letting the adrenals rest a myth? I've taken prednisone which seems biologically similar to cortisol and am not sure it helps, it's a strong drug and can cause diabetes, bone loss

The issue with cortisol isnt in the adrenal glands themselves even though they make cortisol. But the issue is in the brain/hypothalamus which send the messages to the adrenals to make more cortisol. So maybe its giving the hypothalamus a rest. prednisone is 5 times stronger then hydrocortisone but hc is preferred. Many just use 5-10mg in the morning and find it helps and use it intermittently while other follow are more ridged protocol. Most of us have low morning cortisol so i think trying a 5mg dose when u wake up is reasonable?