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I used isocort the last three days and on the 4th day I have crashed and burned. Anyone else notice this when taking this product? I get this metallic taste in my mouth. It feels extremely terrible. I was at about a 7/10 now I'm at 1/10.
According to Dr. Cheney adrenal CSF (glandular) is one of the worst things you can give an ME/CFS patient. I don't think this is due to any cortisol-like activity, but rather the effect this glandular has as a CSF (cell siganling factor) as it influences terrain. Cheney talks about a positive effect followed by a far more negative backlash. I thought maybe this might be due to the different tissues used in the whole glandular so I experimented with just the medulla (by Atrium). To my surprise this one was even worse.
I developed bad POTS after about 6 weeks on adrenal extracts. I was feeling wonderful until then. It's 3 years ago, and I still haven't recovered.
try dhea first, start really low like 5mg and slowly increase it if u think your adrenal hormones are low. more testing for infections and immune system dude. work on that, infections, immune system, hormones and general symptoms like sleep and pain etc, maybe depression like 5htp and acetyl tyrosine. do 1-2 things at a time and slowly add things so u can see how much its helping you.
It is just crazy to me how taking a supplement has made me so terrible when I was feeling decent. I was taking lyricia and Vyvanse and I was doing much better. The vyvanse would help me for 3-4 hours and the lyrcia would hold my anxiety and soon as I added escort it made my body CRAZY and now it can not sop settle down. Makes me wonder if the adrenals might be my problem. Is lower my immune system from taking escort the problem? I never knew taking escort would take effect of lowing my immune system that fast.
that is my theory. It has to be something, right?
This is the reason why people abuse drugs, because suffers have no relief from anything.
I'm still extremlysick guys is there anything I can do?
Dufresne, your info on Cheney and adrenal extracts sounds interesting. Where did you find this information? Is there anywhere I can read more?
Obviously I am hesitant to try more glandulars, after the very negative reaction I had to adrenal glandulars.
Hi Adreno,
Cheney gave a lecture back in April of 2009 in Fairfax, the DVD's of which were made available shortly thereafter. I'd offer to make you copies but I seem to have misplaced mine -urg! Here's a link to a summary of the talk.
According to Cheney's measurements adrenal CSF's are universally bad in PWC's; heart and brain are universally good; artesunate (glorified wormwood) is universally good, as are magnesium, xanax, opiates. But it's probably worth considering he also claims vitamin D and MB12 are universally bad, which obviously doesn't agree with a lot of personal experiences on our forum here, though it does with me.
Cheney doesn't state adrenal extracts leads to POTS, just that they should never be given to PWC's. That said I find it interesting we three have all had some experience with POTS immediately after taken them.
Hi Adreno,
Cheney gave a lecture back in April of 2009 in Fairfax, the DVD's of which were made available shortly thereafter. I'd offer to make you copies but I seem to have misplaced mine -urg! Here's a link to a summary of the talk.
According to Cheney's measurements adrenal CSF's are universally bad in PWC's; heart and brain are universally good; artesunate (glorified wormwood) is universally good, as are magnesium, xanax, opiates. But it's probably worth considering he also claims vitamin D and MB12 are universally bad, which obviously doesn't agree with a lot of personal experiences on our forum here, though it does with me.
Cheney doesn't state adrenal extracts leads to POTS, just that they should never be given to PWC's. That said I find it interesting we three have all had some experience with POTS immediately after taken them.
try dhea first, start really low like 5mg and slowly increase it if u think your adrenal hormones are low. more testing for infections and immune system dude. work on that, infections, immune system, hormones and general symptoms like sleep and pain etc, maybe depression like 5htp and acetyl tyrosine. do 1-2 things at a time and slowly add things so u can see how much its helping you.
I'm lucky to have not had to deal with POTS thus far in my illness. However while experimenting with the adrenal medulla glandular it was this symptom I believe I briefly developed: a horrible lightheadedness while standing. It didn't completely level me but it was enough to indicate I'd better stop with the glandular. It lasted a week or two. I think taking heart and brain glandulars immediately following the symptom's onset may have helped pull me out of it. They certainly helped with overall energy, and are worth a try by anyone with this disease.