Kolibri gives ME sufferers very expensive medicine that may not work
ME sufferers offered treatment costing up to 200,000 kroner, has not documented effect and which can give very serious side effects. Fylkeslegen created supervision.
Ina Gundersen,
Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) offered treatment with the cancer drug rituximab by private Kolibri Medical in Sandnes. The treatment has a price tag of up to 200,000 crowns.
This has led more people to react, partly because this treatment is currently in the research stage.
There is an ongoing larger study by several Norwegian hospitals, but the results here are not expected until 2018. The county medical officer Paul Iden now establishes supervision.
There is a doctor Preben Aavitsland who sent concern to county doctor practice at Kolibri.
- The drug used is a very strong medicine to knock out parts of the immune system. That means there are potentially very serious side effects, at worst deadly. When initiating such treatment, one must be absolutely sure that it has something for themselves. In my view, there is currently no scientific basis for that treatment has any effect on the disease, says Aavitsland.
He was previously director of the Institute of Public Health and now runs his own firm engaged in consulting and research in infection control.
- Payment illegal
- In addition, the treatment is outrageously expensive. If future research should show that this works, it is natural that it offered and paid by hospitals. But to run a business on this today is special. The core is that it is experimental treatment. Then there are certain rules that apply, he says and points out that in health research is not allowed to charge for the patients.
Although experimental treatment is indefensible, required additional information to the patients so that they understand that the treatment is experimental and that it is not known whether it works. It also requires good documentation and monitoring of the patient, he writes to the county medical officer Paul Iden.
- The reason why we are creating a supervision is that form of treatment has not documented effect from the research that exists. It will thus be strict framework for conducting such experimental treatment, including the information to patients. The treatment is not risk-free, and the patient should be closely monitored. We will look more closely at whether this is done in a satisfactory manner, says Iden.
About a price tag up to 200,000 kroner is acceptable is not within the county governor's framework to assess.
- But I think it is worrying that one has initiated treatment that considerable cost to the patient before we know whether there is effective treatment, says Iden.
- More is better
Kolibri would not answer questions about the case, but in an e-mail claiming Medical Director Dagfinn Øgreid that research at Haukeland University Hospital have shown that up to 70 percent are cured or get good improvement when treated with rituximab.
Side effects are generally mild and harmless, but he admits that they occasionally are severe. Furthermore, he writes:
"Based on the good results from Haukeland with good effect and little side effects decided Kolibri to offer these patients experimental treatments in May 2015. The criteria for participation is that the diagnosis is from an external institution, patients undergo a thorough evaluation prior to treatment to ensure the quality diagnosis, patients are informed about the expected results and any known risk factors and possible side effects and the signing informed consent forms. The declaration also confirms that it is an experimental treatment. "
"Several of the patients who have received treatment with us has been healthy and has improved substantially. There are no reported side effects of a serious nature. "
According to him costing a standard treatment 75.000 million, including medications.
"Kolibri Medical wish to establish dialogue with the County Medical Officer and will abide by any objections to the treatment we offer if it becomes necessary."
Owned by Maasi Holding AS 95 percent (Maaseide family) and Colon AS 5 percent (Dagfinn Steinar Øgreid).
Economy: Turnover in 2014 was 37.4 million, profit before tax amounted to NOK 11.8 million.
Chronic fatigue syndrome ME (myalgic encephalopathy): Main Characteristics are rapid fatigue in muscles and central nervous system after minimal physical and mental effort as well as abnormal, long recovery for the recovery of muscle strength and intellectual capacity.
Source: ME Association