I ended up just going with A&B for cost reasons and "not wanting to deal with it" reasons, lol.
I can definitely relate to the "not wanting to deal with it" - LOL!
I can get my most expensive medicine (Pristiq) for free thru Pfizer, and my others are generic so shouldn't be too bad. I really don't want to take any more RX drugs anyways, I've tried a lot, and most will not help my CFS. If it doesn't seem to be a good choice after a year I guess I'll re-evaluate.
The biggest risk that I see with not taking Medicare part D coverage is that none of us know what other conditions we may get in the future. Some future illness may be best treated with a prescription drug. If you sign up later then there will be a penalty. The longer the time between when you could have signed up and when you did sign up, the greater the penalty.
Since those of us who are on medicare due to disability are generally quite a bit younger than 65 we may have a lot more years ahead of us (statistically speaking). I think that might increase the risk of needing some prescription drugs for another condition at some point down the road.
Please don't think this is trying to change your mind - you know your own situation best! There are so many different variables to consider.
I just thought I'd point out the possibility of getting some other medical condition later and then having to pay a much higher premium for part D. If I understand correctly it's not a one time penalty, it's a higher premium forever (someone please correct me if this is wrong).
In my case it was a no brainer because my part D premiums were a lot lower than the cost of the three prescription drugs that I take for my Orthostatic Intolerance (Neurally Mediated Hypotension). In fact, the cost for these three drugs, even though they are all generics (midodrine, fludrocortisone, and time release potassium), is enough for me to get trapped in the infamous medicare part D "doughnut hole" (here's a web page that explains the doughnut hole for those who are curious -
http://healthinsurance.about.com/od/medicare/a/understanding_part_d.htm ).
But I don't hit the limit until December and then things get reset again in January. So I've only had to pay extra for that one month. And with the new changes in health care reform this is slowly going to be phased out.