Thats a herpes virus isn’t it? I know its used in treatment of the herpes viruses but was wondering if it works on viruses not in herpes family. Tried doing some searches but when you put the word lysine and viruses in same search you get page after page of herpes info.
I had frequently cold sores on my lips some years ago, I applied lysine directly on it and it worked for a while, the blisters disappeared quickly, within a day. At one point, the lysine stopped working so I had to wait for the blister to go. But now, I don't have any cold sores anymore.
Finally. Thanks so much Hip. Been trying to find the answer to that question all day. I’m not sure what to think about my reaction to lysine. Normally do not take it. As far as I know I do not have herpes simplex...can you have it without any of the normal herpes simplex symptoms?
I started feeling sort of viral. Sore scratchy throat, achy joints, sore glands in neck and I took 500mg of lysine for 2 days and the viral symptoms disappeared after one dose.
Just trying to figure out if perhaps this is a clue. Or could it just be I got way out of balance with the arginine- lysine?
But if that were the case why would getting out of balance give me viral symptoms
I got Lysin prescribed against active EBV and the active form is gone now. My doctor told me it could come back and I should recognise it because of infections...