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Is it truly Borrelia?


According to my test: http://autahry.eu/upload/results.pdf

Where is:
1. Mentioned bordeline Borrelia

2. Mentioned streptococcus in my nose
3. High SHBG (by zoloft probably), Bilirubin
4. Anemia
5. Bordeline testosterone around 400
6. Bordeline thyroids around FT3 around 4. Conversion of T4->T3 worsened.
7. I have leaky gut

Doctor prescribed: Minocyclin and Benemicin which are antibiotics

Do you agree? Is my problem trully Borrelia?

Thank you


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Senior Member
San Francisco
What the test shows is that you may have been exposed to Borrelia at one time. It doesn't mean you have or ever had an active infection.

Lots of people have strep in their noses.

Personally I would avoid antibiotics unless they are clearly necessary.


Senior Member
@IreneF, no that's not true in the case of lyme disease.

@pepous, Do you know which bands on the WB are positive? If it's one of the bands specific to borrelia then you better follow up with a LLMD (lyme literate doctor) as soon as possible. MInocycline is active against borrelia but is usually not a first choice treatment, especially if you had the infection for a while.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
You haven't mentioned your symptoms or how long you've had them.

Plus false positives are always a possibility. I was once told I had Hep C, for example.

How reliable can any testing really be. How do they get hep C wrong. Theres plenty of other examples , makes everything unpredictable , unreliable . Drs dont seem to be able to back themselves on a diagnosis using their clinical skills.
@IreneF, no that's not true in the case of lyme disease.

@pepous, Do you know which bands on the WB are positive? If it's one of the bands specific to borrelia then you better follow up with a LLMD (lyme literate doctor) as soon as possible. MInocycline is active against borrelia but is usually not a first choice treatment, especially if you had the infection for a while.

You haven't mentioned your symptoms or how long you've had them.

Plus false positives are always a possibility. I was once told I had Hep C, for example.

  • Unstable blood pressure/temperature
  • Overheating
  • Heart palp. which causes me not able to do anything
  • etc.
Whole thread here: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/my-cfs-story.39326/
Hello, I got an idea today. I have small outgrow on my knee. It is sensitive to touches. In puperty i got in that knee some infection which caused me being ill for few months. Sometimes that knee i feel hurts. Couldn that be somehow connected? I maybe should go to doctor to let that outgrow cut out. What do you think?


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Hello, I got an idea today. I have small outgrow on my knee. It is sensitive to touches. In puperty i got in that knee some infection which caused me being ill for few months. Sometimes that knee i feel hurts. Couldn that be somehow connected? I maybe should go to doctor to let that outgrow cut out. What do you think?

Sounds abit like a ganglion cyst. Common to get after some type of injury etc. Can be painful to touch. Usually drain them as a treatment but they can grow back.

Just a thought .
@IreneF, no that's not true in the case of lyme disease.

@pepous, Do you know which bands on the WB are positive? If it's one of the bands specific to borrelia then you better follow up with a LLMD (lyme literate doctor) as soon as possible. MInocycline is active against borrelia but is usually not a first choice treatment, especially if you had the infection for a while.

Doctor is lyme literate I hope. He prescribed Minocyclin and Benemicin to treat it.

I do probably need CD and LTT test futhermore to confirm. Problem is that I already take antibiotics.



Senior Member
IreneF, I don´t think you can have antibodies to something if you´ve NEVER had an active infection, even if it was only a subclinical one.


Senior Member
Ah, sorry, I can´t answer that, I don´t even know what Benemicin is. I took Minocycline for another infection, and read quite a lot about the side effects, most of which seem to be reversible, if that helps.

The thing with chronic Lyme is that there aren´t any standard protocols, only some suggestions on the ILADS site.
Ah, sorry, I can´t answer that, I don´t even know what Benemicin is. I took Minocycline for another infection, and read quite a lot about the side effects, most of which seem to be reversible, if that helps.

The thing with chronic Lyme is that there aren´t any standard protocols, only some suggestions on the ILADS site.

I really hope ATB will not screw me even more. Becouse I DONT know 100% if I trully need tham yet.


Senior Member
San Francisco
IreneF, I don´t think you can have antibodies to something if you´ve NEVER had an active infection, even if it was only a subclinical one.
You would make antibodies upon exposure to the antigen, whether or not anything else happened. As you already pointed out that's how vaccines work.


Senior Member
San Francisco

  • Unstable blood pressure/temperature
  • Overheating
  • Heart palp. which causes me not able to do anything
  • etc.
Whole thread here: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/my-cfs-story.39326/
Those don't seem like symptoms of Lyme disease.

I used to take antibiotics without any hesitation, but now I think they should be avoided unless you have a clear-cut bacterial infection. Not only because of the danger of developing drug-resistant bacteria, but also because antibiotics wipe out your gut bacteria (intestinal flora or microbiota). We are just now discovering how important those organisms are to our health.
Last edited:


Senior Member
You would make antibodies upon exposure to the antigen, whether or not anything else happened. As you already pointed out that's how vaccines work.

That´s why I wrote,´or you have had a vaccine.´ Unless you are suggesting that the OP had previously had a Lyme vaccine administered , then they must have had an active infection at some point (assuming it´s not a false positive) for there to be a detectable amount of antibody in the blood. That´s the whole point of antibody tests.
hmm several opinions and several opinions.

But good compromis would be to use ATB for just about few months maximally. Lets say 2 monts.

Than to stop it.

Is it OK?


Senior Member
We aren´t doctors, and shouldn´t give medical advice, but I think most doctors would say that stopping a course of antibiotics before you finish the course is a bad idea. That´s not to say whether you should take the antibiotics or not.