Is it possible to get bloated stomach from exercise?

Do any of you guys get bloating when you exercising? I always had severe IBS and I got bloating from most carbs, any FODMAPS, NSAIDs etc. However due to the carnivore diet I've been a lot better lately and I've been able to exercise again. Unfortunately twice now I've been noticing that when I push myself and go past an hour my stomach get bloated in the same way as if I've had say carbs. I've heard people mentioning that people with leaky gut getting bloated after training, but I've never looked at it before. Does anyone here either experience it or have a mechanical explanation why it would happen like that?
Not as far as I know. But I do have mild gastritis as well as eosinophilic esophagitis so it's not like my gastrointestinal is in top shape.


Senior Member
A hernia can cause bloating. And exercise can cause a hernia
I have a sportman hernia from many years weight lifting, such hernias are usually not visible, it can still be detect by ultrasonic + if the doctor checks/palpate with his fingers the ledge channel.
An "Exercise-related" sportman hernia, will not make you bloated - it still causes (chronic) pain because the worn-out ledge compresses the neighboring nerves.

A different thing are regular hernias that are visible; where the swollen area is limited to the ledge channel side that is broken und and usually looks like this: https://www.millionsofpeachesblog.c...eistenhernie-Symptome-Ursachen-Behandlung.jpg

I've heard people mentioning that people with leaky gut getting bloated after training, but I've never looked at it before.
Well, I also have leaky gut (confirmed with Zonulin 47KD blood tests) and I get easily bloated from foods, but I didnt have the same issue while exercising.
An explanation could be that perhaps the time distances between eating and training arent that optimal.
Another part to consider is that doing any sports with CFS is demanding for the CNS and besides ATP problems, exspecially the CNS is a mysterious black box with CFS that can sometimes cause/trigger strange symptoms.
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Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
Does anyone here either experience it or have a mechanical explanation why it would happen like that?
One mechanical explanation for it can be having any of the abdominal vascular compression syndromes in which coincidently, the GI symptoms that go with these conditions often first gets put down to "just having IBS symptoms."
Symptoms are not necessarily as severe as those stated in much of the medical literature and can be very mild or nondescript for many years to start with so easily overlooked.


Senior Member
I get a bloated lower belly when I am tired, or when I have done a little more than I should have done @Henrik And I get a queer feeling a bit like something's creeping about inside there. And a sensation like trapped wind (though not really "painful", more like discomfort) Only no wind to come out!
When that happens I also feel a little "at a loss" emotionally too. Not deeply upset -just not quite right.

I have wondered in my case if it's something to do with serotonin, but I really don't know.

The odd thing is this only happens when I am tired. It doesn't seem affected by any food I eat. I can eat the same things on many days and not get that symptom.

The only thing in my case which helps it is lying down and resting. Two other things also help a little. One is peppermint tea, the other is fennel tea.