I'm offered a wide variety of antidpressants for nerve pain, for IBS, especially Duloxetine.
I think it is SSRI which people sometimes report catastrophic failures with, sometimes bad reactions to only 1-2 doses? Whereas Duloxetine is an SNRI.
It looks like there is some evidence for this:
Wikipedia says this article says it "reduc[es] pain" in neuropathy "without treating the underlying nerve damage", but that part is not in the abstract.
Lisa's survey says: Cymbalta 38%+/36%- helpful/harmful for ME/CFS
I think it is SSRI which people sometimes report catastrophic failures with, sometimes bad reactions to only 1-2 doses? Whereas Duloxetine is an SNRI.
It looks like there is some evidence for this:
Wikipedia says this article says it "reduc[es] pain" in neuropathy "without treating the underlying nerve damage", but that part is not in the abstract.
Lisa's survey says: Cymbalta 38%+/36%- helpful/harmful for ME/CFS
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