Is he right or wrong?


Senior Member
Oh wow @Abrin .... I never heard of that, either by it's imaginatively descriptive name or by its less fanciful description. What a bummer .... not life ending, but odd-making, sort of like color blindness ....

Does not being able to visualize affect your ability to conceptualize?

What a totally unique condition @Abrin !!!!

Let's just put it this way. I should never be anyone's first choice as an 'escape room' buddy. (*laughs*)

I have a hard time with puzzles because I can't picture in my what I would need to do to solve them.


Senior Member
That';s what I meant by a difficulty in conceptualizing.

I can;t begin to imagine the many many ways this has impacted you .... it seems unfair that The Fates pilled on ME on top of that ....

If it is any consolation, I don't really notice it much unless it is required to complete a specific task. I would guess that it would kind of be like having color blindness. You have no idea what you are missing since you haven't known existing in the world any other way.

I think it is probably way more annoying to the people around me who don't have it, then it is to me who does have it. I can drive people crazy with my inability to find my way to places even if I've been there before since I can't visual my last trip it order to find my way back and I sometimes have a hard time recalling details in memories since I have a hard time visualizing events.

Husband of

Senior Member
Just an example: Dr Nath studies PEM. He wanted to be very sure that he only has ME and no other „CFS“-disorders. He had over 400 ppl who wanted to participate and where diagnosed with „CFS“. After a rigorous diagnostic process done by his team strictly following the guidelines (don’t know if it was ICC or CCC) and excluding other diseases who were overseen by docs who diagnosed „CFS“ only 7 (!) could participate in his PEM study.
Any idea where you found this info? I'd love to see it. I think it's important. One thing I believe must be true is that as soon as MECFS became something medical doctors thought was psychological, more psychological conditions would have been diagnosed by doctors as MECFS.


Senior Member
The only things I can conclusively say I have learned about the condition of ME/CFS are, 1. Alcohol makes me feel worse. 2. Pushing myself too hard makes me feel worse. 3. Eating makes me feel worse. 4. Being in the sun in excessive heat makes me feel worse. But even when I'm not doing any of these things I still don't feel how I should.