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Is "Energy Envelope" the Correct Model?


Senior Member
I have no problem with the "envelope" part; it's the "energy" part that can be misleading. While it can be taken to mean your ability to do something, that can easily be misunderstood to mean actual ATP limitations, which is not proven to be the cause of the ability limitations.

I know it's a minor issue compared to the rest of the ME issues, but I think it can cause problems, such as recommendations for treatments (and blaming the patient when it doesn't work the way it does on normal fatigue or ATP problems), or misdirecting research resources. It's an issue that won't even be considered if no one points out the problem, so I'm pointing it out.


Senior Member
what they need to measure is how much energy can be replenished in specific interval.
cfs folks might have similiar results than a healthy person in a bicicle test. but if they do the same test 3 days later again, a healthy person would do same performance as the first time, but the cfs patient would not.
I have no objections to testing the "energy limitation" hypothesis; that's good science. I'm objecting to deciding that it's an energy (ATP) problem before testing that hypothesis. Using the term "energy" is deciding the cause before testing the validity.