Yes, I find my attention isn't what it used to be. Is it ME or something else entirely I?'ve been tested for the usual at this age, passed OK, but no sleep doesn't help much either. However, there are times when I'm much more alert with no sleep, than what passes for ME sleep at times. I feel worse with that.
To help myself, I stop answering the phone or taking calls at 4:00 p.m. Family & friends are well aware of that. All can text my husband in case of an emergency. I had to start doing that many years ago and it has helped. The same with eating....I don't drink anything after about 4:00 p.m. (OK, sips of water, but that's it) and have a small snack no later than 5:30 p.m. or so. I didn't read any of this, it just seemed to make sense. Time zones do make things harder, so I use e-mail a lot. I spend as much time on our porch as possible...calming and enjoyable.
But yes, our brain chemicals seem to be rather messed up. In some cases (mine for example) it's a mix of both physical and the leftovers of adrenaline. I've had brain surgery, so that's thrown into the mix, also. It will take time to figure this one out. Yours, Lenora.