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is anybody here still on the wheldon/stratton protocol?

ive been really improving a lot on it and actually had something up until recently which you could call a life again. i met ppl again and made new friends, went to the gym. then things started to go downfill when i caught a streptococcus infection in my throat. i had fever for days and it took like 2 3 weeks for it to be gone with penicillin and azithromycin. i hope it is gone now but im not 100% sure. did a culture from my throat though and nothing showed up. when i was better from the streptococcus i took a 1 day pulse of metronidazol which was 19 days ago. i feel like i cant get the toxins out of my system after the pulse. never had this before and i also took it for only 1 day. did all the chlorella stuff i did before.

within 45 days i took 35 ibuprofen and 27 paracetamol. maybe my liver/kidney is affected and clear the toxins? i dont know its just really weird. maybe i should do a blood test.

just asking if someone here is still treating according to stratton/wheldon protocol. sometimes it would just be nice to talk to someone about it and exchange thoughts.


Senior Member
Sorry you have had such a setback, @lngnstrng. Sending wishes that you can find your way back to the higher functioning you were experiencing. It sounds like things were really promising.

I'm interested in these protocols, so....following. Wish I had experience to share.