Do you guys think there is a danger with genetic testing of too much info?
As tania said, she now knows she has a higher chance of getting lung cancer. I'm not sure having that information is a good thing (perhaps for me more than others) as I would feel it hanging over me like the Sword of Damocles for the rest of my life. It would also lead me to fret mercilessly about any future offspring as I already worry more about the health of those around me than my own. I mentioned genetic testing to my ex once and she replied "well I don't think you should do it as it might affect people who want to have babies with you" (it was very cute). I think sometimes these things are better left to the gods.
Do you guys think the benefits outweigh the risks? Can we routinely glean successful treatment outcomes from genetic testing? Do we want to see a future full of possible health maladies that may not ever materialise? (I am genuinely asking rather than trying to make a point).
For some eg if someone was a hyperchondriac, maybe getting raw data and running it throu Valentijn's program wouldnt be a good idea as lots of things do come up. I personally wouldnt advise someone like that to do this.
I'm not sure having that information is a good thing (perhaps for me more than others) as I would feel it hanging over me like the Sword of Damocles for the rest of my life. It would also lead me to fret mercilessly about any future offspring as I already worry more about the health of those around me than my own.
If you worry "excessively" about things, then I'd think maybe for you then it wouldnt be a good idea. I think this is something that people need to really think about before they get tests like this done. People know themselves so should ask themselves if it could be harmful for them or not..
When the 23andME used to do their health reports, they'd have also closed sections based on ones genotype eg European or whatever, before one got results for things which were of higher risk among the ancestory genotype.. and so one then had a choice on if they wanted to know if one was more suspectable to those serious causing possibly death things or not. eg parkisons disease and Alzeihemers Disease.
Me being someone who prefers to know well of cause opened those areas and found out that I have a 40% change of getting Alzeihemers from the age of 50 years old. That was/is scary esp since I already do bad brain issues now but then I'd rather now as if my brain is declining further while the rest of my ME isnt.. maybe its something I should be more considering and possibly should see a dr over. The good thing about 23andME was it then gave advice on how to lessen the risk of getting the issue when there was things one could do to decrease risk eg for Alzeihemers ... exercise was one of the things mentioned which would help lower risk (sighs.. something which of cause I cant do).
If someone is at much higher risk of lung cancer at least if you know this a person try to lessen risk by not being around smokers! Knowing this stuff could help save a life if one was prepared to act on info you are finding out (if one wasnt prepared to be changing their life stuff to lessen any found risks, it probably then would be no benefit knowing these things.
I only wish I had this kind of testing way earlier. If I had done so, my daughter wouldnt be disabled!!! She was born with an issue similar to spina bifida (her spine is affected and she spent most of her childhood in a wheelchair, is incontient etc she's deformed due to this) .. all cause of my MTHFR mutation which I didnt know I had at the time. Those with this.. need active folate and the normal one we cant convert (so boosting normal folate in pregnancy is not much good for someone with my mutation) Hence my daughter is disabled for life.. something which would of been completely preventable if I'd known I had the MTHFR mutation back then.
So I guess how benefical these tests are all depend on what a person actually has! and if those things are treatable or not and in the case of MTHFR mutation.. it is important to know if one has before pregnancy (it can also cause miscarriages any stage of pregnancy too.. those too are said to be preventable with the right treatment, in this case baby asprin being taken during pregnancy too).
Years ago the medical profession in Australia considered making a test for MTHFR issues part of standard medical testing for women (pregnant women) but ended up deciding against doing so due to costs of testing!. 8-19% of people (depending on what country you are in) have this mutation and are at risk of various issues with it not treated eg higher risk of stroke too (women carry the higher risk due to what it can do in pregnancy).