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Iowa nursing home 'dumps' ailing veteran without care


Senior Member
No charges were filed in this case. Meanwhile, people who *don't* need to be in the hospital are being held in psych wards against their and their family's will.


ONAWA, Iowa — A seriously ill, disabled Navy veteran was evicted from an Iowa nursing home for failure to pay his bill then was dropped off at an unfurnished apartment with no food, medication or phone.

John Chedester, 65, was suffering from a life-threatening blood infection, congestive heart failure, insulin-dependent diabetes and other ailments when he was dropped off Nov. 1, alone, at an apartment building 20 miles away in Mapleton, Iowa, according to state and county records.


Senior Member
Cleghorn said Chedester — who showed signs of disorganized thinking, as well as incoherent and illogical, rambling speech — did not cooperate with staff when they tried to sign him up for Medicaid, which would have paid for his care.

"He was not willing to participate in that process," she said.

Sad thing is that if he's showing signs of disorganized thinking, is incoherent and illogical ... then obviously he's totally capable of caring for himself and being able to file for medicaid. They said he wasn't willing, but was he unwilling because it was difficult and overwhelming?

Sad story.


Senior Member
Sad thing is that if he's showing signs of disorganized thinking, is incoherent and illogical ... then obviously he's totally capable of caring for himself and being able to file for medicaid. They said he wasn't willing, but was he unwilling because it was difficult and overwhelming?

Sad story.
Indeed. And was it not the facility's responsibility, since he was showing these signs, to do whatever it took to help him make it happen, rather than randomly abandon him? Seriously criminal/stupid/immoral.